
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

This action research explored the application of the pedagogical strategies of role-playing and cooperative learning in the enhancement of students’ Chinese learing efficiency and social skills. The rescarcher implemented and revised strategies in a Chinese class with 35 F.2 students. Using group discussion of the cooperative learning, students wrote plays based on central themes of lessons, acted, rehearsed, and at the end shared their role-playing expcrience through discussion to enhance learing efficacy. The data were collected and analyzed through classroom observation, teachers’ teaching jourals, students’ diary, questionnaires and other related documents. After four months of the action research processes, following results were found: 1. Enhancement of students’ learning efficacy: The rcsults of the study showed that role-playing and cooperative learning does enhance students’ Chinese learing efficiency. 2. Enhancement of students’ social skills in cooperative learning: As for students, the cooperative learning environment gave them more chances to practice Chinese and better guidance from their teacher. Not only was their academic achievement enhanced, social skills and learning attitude were also improved. 3. Improvement of the teacher-student interaction: During the process not only was the teacher-student interaction improved, teachers also found it easier to monitor students' progress, to make suggestions and to clarify students' misconceptions. 4. Students’ attitude toward implementation efficacy: The majority of research subjects supported the uses of role-playing and cooperative learning to improve Chinese learning while only a few disapproved. Finally, the researcher has offered some discussions and suggestions for those who are interested in applying role-playing and cooperative learning to improve their teaching in the classroom.

Chinese Abstract

本研究乃運用「角色扮演」與「合作學習」教學法並用於中文科教學之行動研究,以提昇學生學習成就與社會技巧。本研究於研究者服務的學校進行。對象爲初中二年級,共35位學生。以「合作學習」方式依據課文的主要内容(中心主旨),進行小組討論,然後把課文改編成劇本、安排角色、進行排練,到最後在課堂上的分組進行「角色扮演」,並在演出後進行討論與分享,達至增進學習成效的目標。研究者蒐集現場記錄與訪談資料進行分析。經過近四個月的行動研究所得,獲得以下結果:一、學生提昇學習成效:學生通過合作學習方式,小組成員共同討論、編寫劇本和進行「角色扮演」的過程,增加了聽、說、讀、寫的機會;加深對課文的了解和掌握,在熟能生巧的情況下,其學業成就均有提高。 二、同儕合作的學習環境提昇個人社會技巧:同學在合作完成任務的歷程中,不 僅學到溝通技巧,亦可培養分享、協助與關懷他人的態度,漸而提昇學習興趣與成效。 三、增加師生間的互動機會:在師生活動的過程中,不僅增加了師生間的互動與溝通,老師還能夠從不同的角度掌握學生的學習的真實情況,對學生錯誤及模糊的概念,作即時的糾正與釐清。 四、學生學習態度影響實施成效:雖然大多數學生都支持「角色扮演」與合作學習的教學活動能增進中文科的學習成效,但仍有少數幾位同學表示「角色扮演」與「合作學習」對其幫助不大。 研究者並根據研究結果提出討論與建議,以爲教育實務工作者運用「角色扮演」與「合作學習」教學策略來提昇學生學習成效的參考。

Issue date





Faculty of Education




Chinese language -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Macau

漢語 -- 學習及教學 (高中) -- 澳門

Team learning approach in education -- Macau

群組式學習 -- 澳門

Group work in education -- Macau

群組式學習及教學 -- 澳門



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