
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


小學英語課程實施的質性研究 : 專家教師與生手教師的比較

English Abstract

With a focus on the significant differences between the expert teacher and the novice teacher in a primary school in Zhu Hai, Guang Dong province, the study discusses the current state of implementation of English Curriculum in China,mainland. On the basis of the research findings, the study has made some correlate suggestions to both categories of the teachers and the leadership of the education department. This study adopts the Ethnography Approach paradigm and the method of the study is composed of serial procedures including a three-month observation, interviews, data analysis and surveys. All the rough data was divided into three different levels: Perceived Curriculum level, Implemental Curriculum level and Experiential Curriculum level. At the Perceived Curriculum level, the study has found out: 1. The instructional concept of the expert teacher seems more complete and valid than that of the novice teacher. 2. The instructional plan of the expert teacher appears more flexible and practical than that of the novice teacher. At the Implemental Curriculum level, the study has found out : 1. The instructional flow chart of the expert teacher seems more fluent than that of the novice teacher and their organizational forms seems more multicultural and diversified than that of the novice teacher as well. 2. When handling sudden matters, the expert teacher seems to understand the psychological characteristics of the student and the individual differences more deeply and openly than the novice teacher does. The strategies of the former seem more positive, flexible and workable as well. At the Experiential Curriculum level, the study has found out : 1. The performance of Class 4 of Grade 6, which is instructed by teacher A, is obviously better than the Class 2 of Grade 6, which is instructed by teacher B, in three difference English assessments. 2. The vivid classroom environment and active instructional strategies that is constructed and handled by teacher A, is highly enhanced the learning motivation of the student. The recommendation of the study: 1. Based on qualitative education and improve the classroom instruction. 2. Enhance post-teacher developmental course and promote the professional qualification of the teacher. 3. Strengthen classroom management strategic of the novice teacher 4. Reform the training course for the pre-teacher. Remark on the combination of pedagogy theory and teaching practice. 5. Build up a teacher monitor system and promote the professional development of the Novice teacher.

Chinese Abstract

本研究主要通過比較兩位教師在課堂教學歷程上的差異,探討當前國內小學英語課程實施的現狀和存在問題,並提出相應的改進建議。本研究主要採用俗民志的研究方法,以一位專家教師A與一位生手教師B作為研究對象,針對其課程實施歷程進行了近三個月的觀察研究,並輔以訪談、文件分析、簡單問卷調查等方式搜集資料,將所得資料從教師知覺課程層面、教師運作課程層面和學生經驗課程層面來進行比較分析。 本研究結果發現:壹:在教師知覺課程層面:一、專家教師A相比生手教師B,其英語教育教學觀更具全面性和合理性。 二、專家教師A相比生手教師B,其教學計劃更具彈性和靈活性。 貳:在教師運作課程層面:一、相較生手教師B,A教師的教學流程比較順暢,其教學組織形式更具多元化和多樣性。 二、相較生手教師B,A教師能從多個方面深入地瞭解學生的心理特點和個性差異,並採取積極多樣的應對措施,提高學生的學習興趣。 參:在學生經驗課程層面:一、A教師所帶的六(四)班,三次考試的成績均明顯優於B教師所带的六(二)班。 二、A教師設計的生動、有趣的遊戲教學和情景教學,極大地提高了學生學習英語的興趣、積極性和主動性,因而深受學生的喜愛。 本研究的建議:一、立足素質教育,優化課堂教學。 二、加強職後教育,提高教師素質。 三、增加生手教師班級經營方面的訓練。 四、改革師資培育課程,注重理論和實踐相結合。 五、建立完整的教學督導制度,促進生手教師的專業成長。 關鍵字:小學英語 課程實施 專家教師 生手教師 個案研究

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Faculty of Education





English language -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- Macau

英語 -- 學習及教學 (小學) -- 澳門

English language -- Curricula -- Macau

英語 -- 課程 -- 澳門

Teacher effectiveness -- Macau

教師的教學成效 -- 澳門



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