UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
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- English Abstract
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Since 1996, when the former Luso-Chinese government launched the Law of Technical-professional Education (Law no. 54/96/M), Macau's intermediate technical-professional education has been executing and expanding in accordance with this official scheme. In 1998, the two vocational schools (Luso-Chinese Technical-Professional Secondary School (ELCTP) and Macau Kung Luen Vocational & Technical Middle School) were implemented and activated with governmental subsidies. This marked a further step towards the consummation of Macau’s education system. Facing the global trend and the prosperous development of technology, everywhere in the world is confronting education reformation. Everyone is expecting a co-ordination between professionals and social development by means of education. Towards the end of 1999, as our Macau Special Administrative Region was established, various philosophy and opinion have been put forward persistently in our educational circle. Gradually, these formed a tendency to reform the education system. Under such a circumstance, “the future of this new born child --- the local intermediate technical-professional education" becomes an important subject within the Macau education circle. At present, the “diversification function” of technical-professional education is interfered because of insufficient theoretical investigation and the society's negative impression on vocational learning. Meanwhile, there are students who are dispelled from or are not interested in traditional grammar schools. They are either incapable or innocent in selecting suitable training for themselves. All these put forward a crisis on the cultivation of Macau's human resource. Consequently, it can be expected that these victims will fail to meet the requirements of modern enterprises. This human resource crisis itself is a fundamental obstacle of our economical development. Therefore, a study on the intermediate technical-professional education is needed both urgently and essentially. This study focuses on the curriculum contrivance of Macau's intermediate technical-professional education , specifically on the senior technical-professional education of ELCTP. Basing on the orientation of Macau's economic policies, theories of Curriculum Investigation and Curriculum Development, the general situation of Macau's intermediate technical-professional education, analysis of the educational trend of intermediate vocational education in various countries, and investigation on the teaching of ELCTP, the study is intended to draw up a complete scheme of the ELCTP senior vocational curriculum. With the result of this study, we look forward to contributing to and strengthening the curriculum contrivance of the intermediate technical-professional education in Macau.
- Chinese Abstract
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自前澳葡政府於1996年推出職業技術教育法令(第54/96M號法令),澳門中等職業技術教育終於在法令規範下開展及推行。在政府的資助下,兩間職業技術學校(中葡職業技術學校及工聯職業技術中學)於1998年亦相繼落成及運作,標誌著澳門教育體系更趨完備。 面對全球化的趨勢及資訊科技的蓬勃發展,世界各地面臨教育改革的大思潮,紛紛期望透過教育的功能,使人才能配合社會的發展。1999年底,随著特區政府成立,澳門教育界積極提出各種教育理念及主張,逐漸形成了一股改革浪潮,而本地中等職業技術教育則有如初生嬰兒,在這股改革浪潮下,何去何從,成為當前澳門教育界研究的重要課題。 澳門職業技術教育缺乏理論層次的探討,加上本地區廣大民眾對中等職技課程負面印象,形成中等職業技術教育未能起著適性分流的作用,眾多被拒於主流文化學校之外,以及性格及志趣不在傳統文法課程的學生,皆未能或不懂得找到配合自己特點的學校或課程就讀,形成人力資源培育的嚴重失誤。在這失誤下被耽誤的一群,成長過程中未能適當培育,預期將未符現代知識經濟對人才需求的標準,而人才的欠缺又是社會經濟發展的最根本障礙,所以澳門中等職業技術教育課程發展的探討,實在是刻不容緩!本研究是澳門中等職業技術教育課程的規劃研究,主要探討中葡職業技術學校高中職業技術課程的宏觀規劃,研究將依據本地區政府經濟政策的取向、探討課程和課程發展理論、澳門中等職業技術教育的概況、分析其他國家的中等職業技術教育趨勢、以及調查中葡職業術學校教師教學實施的體驗而進行,最後提出中葡職業技術學校高中職業技術課程的總體性規劃。 祈望本研究結果能對澳門中等職業技術教育課程的規劃有所貢獻,使中等職業技術教育在澳門能茁壯發展。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Vocation education -- Curricula -- Macau
職業教育 (正規教育) -- 課程 -- 澳門
Curriculum planning -- Macau
課程規劃 -- 澳門
- Supervisor
Wu, Guo Zhen
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000149509706306