
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

This paper presents some empirical results and recommendations of a study examining the development of school-based curriculum in the high schools of Macau. With a sample which is composed of a group of high school teachers in Macau, this study aims to investigate the relationship between the different aspects of teachers, such as their awareness, attitude,academic background, teaching experience as well as the courses taught, and their participation in the development of school-based curriculum in schools. Besides, attempts are also made to study the interrelationships between such factors, for instance, the amount of time, the number of people as well as the types of activities involved in the process, which may affect the school-based curriculum development in the high schools of Macau. The major findings of the study can be summarized briefly as follows: The level of participation in curriculum development is higher for those teachers with more teaching experience. The professional background of teachers is neither significantly related to their confidence in participating the curriculum development in schools nor their level of involvement in such development. The teachers of some relatively newly developed courses seem to take more part in the activities relating to curriculum development in schools. There seems to be lack of involvement of teachers in high schools' curriculum development. Rather, the participants are mainly those administrative heads from schools, such as the school principal and the course coordinators, etc. There is no significant involvement on the part of students, parents or the general public in curriculum development. The participation in the curriculum-related activities will positively affect those teachers in carrying out related jobs in future. Most teachers do not have a clear idea towards school-based curriculum development. In general, the school-based curriculum development in Macau is just a beginning. To advance the progress of such development in Macau, it is important to provide the teachers with appropriate training programs and at the same time, strengthen the idea of democracy in carrying out the development.

Chinese Abstract

本研究旨在探討現時澳門中學實行學校本位課程發展的情況,並根據研究分析的結果作出相關的建議。以中學教師爲研究對象,分析在進行學校本位課程發展時,教師的認知、態度、教育背景、教學經驗和任教科目等對教師參與課程發展的影響。亦嘗試探討澳門中學在進行學校本位課程發展時,所投入的人員、時間和所進行活動的關係。 本研究主要有以下幾點發現: ★教學經驗相對較豐富的教師,對學校課程發展的參與面亦較為廣泛 ★教師的教育專業背景,與其對學校課程發展的參與程度、信心等沒有顯著的關係。 ★體制較為不穩定,相對較新的學科的教師,更多參與學校課程的發展活動。 ★澳門中學的課程發展普遍缺乏教師的參與,而參與的人員主要是校長、教務主任和學科組長等行政層人。 ★學生、家長以及社會人士對學校課程的參與並不顯著。 ★參與學校課程活動,能讓教師對相關方面的工作更具有信心。 ★普遍教師對學校本位課程發展的認識不淸晰。 整體而言,澳門的學校本位課程發展在起步階段。對教師的培訓、加強學校進行課程發展的民主意識,將會是學校本位課程發展能在澳門更好推行的關鍵項目。

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Faculty of Education




Curriculum planning -- Macau

課程規劃 -- 澳門

Education, Secondary -- Curricula -- Macau

高中教育 -- 課程 -- 澳門


Wu, Guo Zhen

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