
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


在教育生命的長河中 : 兩位小學教師的專業成長歷程的探究

English Abstract

The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that can promote a teacher’s professional growth by analyzing the changes in the professional development of two primary school teachers in Macao, May Pou and Ka Ka (pseudo name). The qualitative research approach was adopted in scrutinizing the data collected from their autobiography, stories in teaching, weekly records, as well as formal and informal interviews. Participant observation and kinescope were also employed for data collection. Integrating the literature reviews with the analysis results, this study reports the following findings: (a) Individual Factors 1. A teacher’s growth experience influences his/her personality; 2. A teacher’s life history influences his/her teaching practice and thinking pattern; 3. A teacher’s reflection in different dimensions can be improved with educational experience. (b) External Factors 1. School culture incites self-development progress in a teacher; 2. Administration leadership of a school facilitates the teaching practice development of a teacher; 3. Communication between colleagues improves the reflectional sense and ability of a teacher; 4. Re-freshing programs facilitate the self-development of a teacher. Finally, several recommendations are included for reference of individual teachers, school administrators, educational authorities, and for further studies.

Chinese Abstract

本論文藉探討兩位教師的專業成長變化過程來分析促進教師專業成長的可能因素。本研究運用質性研究的方法對澳門兩位小學教師,美寶和格格 (化名) 進行研究:分析與詮釋由她們自撰的生命史、教學生涯故事、每週札記,以及訪談資料,並輔以進入其教學現場觀察與錄影等方式。 綜合文獻探討結果與研究發現及討論,本論文獲致以下的結論:一. 個人因素 1. 成長經驗影響人格的發展 2. 個人或長史影響專業的實踐與思考模式 3. 教師不同層面的反思能增益教育經驗 二. 外在因素 1. 校園文化可促使教師的自我成長 2. 學校高層的領導能協助教師的教學實務發展 3. 同儕對話能增強教師的反思意識和能力 4. 研習進修有助教師自我成長 最後,本文根據研究結果而嘗試對教師個人、學校行政領導、師資培育機構、教育行政機關,以及未來研究提出建議,作為協助教師專業成長的參考。

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Faculty of Education




Elementary school teachers -- Macau.

小學教師 -- 澳門.



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