
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


創造思考策略融入中國語文科教學對學生創造力之影響 = The effects of inclusion of creative thinking strategy in the teaching of Chinese lessons on student creativity

English Abstract

The present study aims at investigating the effect of the inclusion of teaching creative thinking strategy in Chinese lessons on student creativity. In addition, it also helps to document whether this inclusion can increase the test scores in the internal mid-yearly examination in Chinese language subject. The present researcher adopts the “nonequivalent pretest-posttest design" and applies the Creativity Assessment Packet (Williams, 1972) to assess student creativity. The subjects of the study are students from three intact primary-6 classes. These three intact classes are randomly assigned to experimental treatment and control condition. Specifically, there are two treatment groups, i.e. Group C of 37 students and Group H of 36 students, and one control Group F of 36 students. Upon completion of the experiment tat the end of 35 hours in 13 weeks of treatment, the data are analyzed by ANCOVA and the findings are as follows: 1. The two experimental groups are better than the control group on the openness and heading subscales of the Creative Thinking Ability Cognitive Measurement. 2. The two experimental groups are better than the control group on the risk-taking and imagination subscales of the Creative Thinking Ability Affective Measurement. 3. The two experimental groups and the control group are not significantly different on the fluency, flexibility, originally and precision subscales of the Creative Thinking Ability Affective Measurement. 4. The two experiment groups and the control groups are not significantly different on the curiosity and challenge subscales of the Creative Thinking Ability Affective Measurement. 5. The experimental group C is slightly better than the experimental group H on the openness and heading subscales of the Creative Thinking Ability Cognitive Measurement. 6. The experimental group C is slightly better than the experimental group H on the risk-taking and imagination subscales of the Creative Thinking Ability Measurement. 7. The two experimental groups and the control group are not significantly different in mean scores of the internal mid-yearly examination in Chinese subject.

Chinese Abstract

本研究旨在探討運用創造思考策略融入中國語文科教學對學生創造力的影響,並輔助驗證創造思考教學對學生在中國語文科學習成績是否有影響。本研究採用準實驗設計中的「不等組前一一後測設計」(the pretest-posttest nonequivalent groups design)。研究工具為威廉斯創造力測驗。本研究以澳門某女子中學小學六年級三個班別為研究樣本。由研究員把原有班別分派於三個組別:兩個實驗組,分別有三十六人及三十七人,接受創造思考教學;一個對照組,有三十六人,維持正常課堂教學。在完成為期十三週(約三十五小時)的實驗教學後,將所得數據進行單因子共變數分析(ANCOVA),並附以研究員的教學心得和觀察實驗組的上課 情況。研究結果發現如下: 一.「威廉斯創造性思考活動」(認知部份)中的開放性和標題 兩項,經後測及實施單因子共變數分析(ANCOVA)後發現:兩個實驗組均優於對照組。 二.「威廉斯創造性傾向量表」(情意部份)中的冒險性和想像力兩項,經後測及實施單因子共變數分析(ANCOVA)後發現:兩個實驗組均優於對照組。 三.「威廉斯創造性思考活動」(認知部份)中的流暢力、變通力、獨創性、精密力及整體分數(總分)等五項,經後測及實施單因子共變數分析(ANCOVA)後發現:兩個實驗組與對照組並無顯著差異。 四.「威廉斯創造性思考傾向量表」(情意部份)中的好奇性、挑戰性及整體分數(總分)等三項,經後測及實施單因子共變數分析(ANCOVA)後發現:兩個實驗組與對照組並無顯著差異。 五.「威廉斯創造性思考活動」(認知部份)中的開放性和標題兩項,經後測及實施單因子共變數分析(ANCOVA)後發現:實驗組C優於實驗組H。 六.「威廉斯創造性傾向量表」(情意部份)中的冒險性和想像力兩項,經後測及實施單因子共變數分析(ANCOVA)後發現:實驗組C略優於實驗組H。 七. 實驗處理後,實驗組與對照組均進行校內中國語文科期中測驗(總結性測驗),統計分析三組的平均分數發現:兩個實驗組與對照組並無顯著差異。

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Faculty of Education




Chinese language -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- Macau

漢語 -- 學習及教學 (小學) -- 澳門

Creative thinking -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- Macau

創意思維 -- 學習及教學 (小學) -- 澳門



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