
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

In different countries around the world with different educational background, the concept of activity curriculum has been accepted affirmatively. Although this concept is implicitly rooted in the Macau educational system for a long time, there are remarkable discrepancies in terms of recognition and interpretation among many schools. In this study, the present situation of activity curriculum in Macau is explored, and this is compared with the theoretical understanding and related concepts used around the world. Recommendation is made on the way forward in developing activity curriculum in Macau. The subjects of this study include three parties: school administrators, government officials and students. Both quantitative questionnaires and qualitative interviews are used. Mail questionnaires were delivered to 42 secondary school heads with 18 returned. Results show that activity curriculum forms an essential part in their curriculum, and it fits into the spirit of activity curriculum innately and theoretically. But activity curriculum has not been subsumed in usual curriculum; some schools even do not have any concrete plans for it. In Macau, there are differences between activity curriculum and usual academic curriculum, and this can be reflected by the active students' participation. Further, most activities involve cooperative learning of both teachers and students. Assessments emphasize the learning process instead of any outcome as in usual curriculum. No evidence indicates that students joining such activities will affect their academic performance. On the contrary, since it can encourage students to concentrate in more healthy activities, it can consume students' in a better direction rather than games without educational values. Schools welcome government's policy of just offering help but not interfering. There are six secondary schools agreed to participate into students' questionnaires, making up a total sample size of 1,322 student subjects. Results show that students generally put ‘interest’ in their first priority for reasons to participate. They want to have more freedom to select their favorites, and to act more independently according to their free will. The majority of their parents show their appreciation for their children to take part in it. In personal interviews, Mr Chang Chi Meng, the Head of Youth Department, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau and Mr Wong, the Director of Macao Chong Wa Student Association were interviewed. They claimed that Macau government plays an assistant and supportive role in activity curriculum. The government offers possible aids in providing space, capital and manpower. Organizations in Macau also give a big hand to activity curriculum. It not only provides the students with a spacious environment to play but also a precious chance to get familiar with the society. Based on data collected, literature reviewed, observations made and conclusions drawn, the following suggestions are made. In terms of educational administration, it is suggested to build up an good environment and culture for learning, to proceed a systematic training for teachers, to design interesting and diversified activities which encouragestudents' self-learning through trial-and-error. In terms of assessments, it is hope that multiple assessment tools can be used to emphasize processes rather than outcomes. The consolidation of activity curriculum plays an important role in the educational system. The government should ascertain and promote this concept and gather the strength from non-govemnmental organizations so as to provide more room and resources in the implementation of activity curriculum. Keyword: Activity curriculum, exploratory research

Chinese Abstract

活動課程的理念在世界各地的經驗中一再得以肯定。在澳門,活動課程雖然一直存在於學校系統中,但各校在認識和理解上卻仍有著明顯 的差異。因此,本人希望藉著是次研究,了解澳門的實際情況,結合活動課程的理念,並以各地之經驗作爲「他山之石」,探索其發展路向。 本人以學校行政、學生意向、政府和社團的影響三個向度進行了量化及質性研究。 學校行政方面,研究者向全澳42所中學發出「校本活動課程概況問 卷調查」,成功收回有效問卷18份。調查結果顯示活動課程在澳門中學中被视爲學校教育中不可或缺的部份,其具體精神符合活動課程中「經驗學習」的理念,但在具體執行上仍欠規劃,也未能像美國、中國大陸和台灣等地將活動課程納入正規的課程編制。澳門活動課程在形式上有別於學科課程,最明顯分別表現在學生課堂參與度上。在活動课程中, 多以「師生協助」的形式為主。在學生活動評鑑方面具有活動課程的特 點--強調學習經驗而非結果。學校表示參與活動課程不會影響學業, 相反更具有「消耗多餘精力,不致沉迷玩樂」的作用。澳門政府在活動課程上「既協助又不干預」的模式備受學校歡迎。 學生意向方面,研究者選取了六所教學宗旨不同的學校爲取樣對 象,並收回有效問卷共1322份。結果顯示學生在考慮參加活動課程時, 多以「興趣」爲先。學生比較喜歡自由選擇活動項目,也希望在活動中 嘗試自治。學生表示家長多數支持其参加活動課程,在學生參與活動課 程問題上家庭因素沒有造成阻力。 就政府與社團對活動課程的影響,研究者訪問了教育暨青年局曾熾明廳長和 2002年度澳門學生聯合總會黃世平理事長。結果顯示政府和社團 在活動課程中均扮演協助者和支援者的角色。政府主要提供场地、資金 及人力方面的協助;社團則能爲學生提供更多活動空間、認識社會的機 會和學以致用的場所。 根據以上結果,結合文獻的分析與對照,研究者對澳門中學活動課 程未來發展建議有以下方面: 在學校行政方面,透過培訓和交流提升學校行政人員和活動導師對 活動課程的認議和實作技巧;營造優良的校園氣氛與文化;擬定嚴謹的組織與管理制度;設計趣味性和多元化的活動項目;鼓勵學生在活動中學會自主,從經驗中學習;實行「重過程、輕結果」的多元評鑑方式。 在整個教育制度上,政府應明確提升活動課程在教育系統中的地位;透過培訓和研討活動落實和推廣活動課程的理念;透過統合政府各部門和民間社團力量,爲學校活動課程提供更多發展空間和可用資源。 關鍵字:活動課程,探索研究

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Faculty of Education




Activity programs in education -- Macau

教育活動課程 -- 澳門

Middle school education -- Activity programs -- Macau

高級小學至初級中學之教育 -- 活動課程 -- 澳門

Education -- Curricula -- Macau

教育 -- 課程 -- 澳門



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