
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

The study is divided into two main phases. The first phase is the curriculum design of trigonometric function in its graph and properties. The second phase is the study of the learning effectiveness of the Computer Assisted Instruction(CAI) curriculum on students of grade 10. The first phase of curriculum design consists of two parts. The first part is the development of teaching software and the second part is the design of teaching processes. The teaching contents are trigonometric functions in its graph and properties. The principles and theoretical basis of the design in the development of teaching software and teaching processes are based on related theories. On completion of the design, the teaching software was produced by using the software of GSP(Geometer's Sketchpad) and the teaching plan was completed according to the design of the teaching processes. The second phase focuses on the leaning effectiveness of students. This part includes quantitative and qualitative study. The quantitative study took a Quasi-experimentalapproach using pretest-posttest nonequivalent-groups design. The experimental samples were taken from the Yuet Wah College in Macau. The 81 grade 10 students from two different classes were randomly divided into two groups. One class was utilized as an expcrimental group, the other class used as a control group. The experimental group received the computer-assisted instructional curriculum while the control group received the traditional classroom teaching curriculum. The experiment lasted for 4 weeks. After the completion of the experimental teaching, a comparison of the changes in learning achievements and leaming altitudes was made between the two groups. In addition, in order to explain the experimental data, a qualitative study was used. It included the class observations and interviews with students from the two groups. In addition, the results in the testes and the experimental group's attitude of using Computer Assisted Instruction(CAI) were analysed. It is hoped that this research will enhance the usage of computers in the teaching of mathematics. The main discoveries from the statistical analysis of the data are as follows: 1. Mathematical learning achievements (1) There was no significant difference in the mathematical learning achievements between the students in both groups after the experimental courses. However, the experimental group still showed greater progression. (2)There was no significant difference in the mathematical learning achievements between high-level students in both groups after the experimental courses. However, the experimental group still showed smaller progression. (3)There was no significant difference in the mathematical learning achievements between middle-level students in both groups after the experimental courses. However, the middle-level students in the experimental group showed the greatest progression compared with the high and low-level students in the same group. (4)There was no significant difference in the mathematical learning achievements between low-level students in both groups after the experimental courses. However, the experimental group still showed greater progression. 2. Mathematical learning attitudes (1) There was no significant difference in the mathematical learning altitude between the students in both groups after the experimental courses. However, the learning altitude towards mathematics had grown positively in all the advance and the experimental group still showed greater progression. (2) There was no significant difference in the mathematical learning altitude between high-level students in both groups after experimental courses. However, the learning altitude towards mathematics had grown positively in all the advance and the experimental group still showed greater progression. (3) There was no significant difference in the mathematical learning altitude between middle-level students in both groups after experimental courses. However, the learning altitude towards mathematics had grown positively in all the advance and the experimental group still showed greater progression. (4) As for the mathematical learning altitude, the low-level students in the experimental group has grown positively while the low-level students in the control group has shown a negative progression. As far as the mathematical learning altitude is concerned, the low-level students in the experimental group got significantly higher result than those of the control group. 4. The result of the test The experimental group students had better performance on diagram symbol tests but not on algebra symbol tests. 5. Experimental group's attitude and reactiontowardsthe Computer Assisted Instruction(CAI) The students of the experimental group had positive attitudes toward using computer-assisted instruction methods, especially the middle-level and the low-level students. Key Words: Computer Assisted Instruction(CAI), Traditional Teaching, Experimental Group, Control Group, Mathematics Learing Altitude, Mathematics Leaming Result, GSP(Geometer's Sketchpad).

Chinese Abstract

本研究主要分爲兩個階段,第一階段是三角函數圖像及性質的電腦輔助教學課程設計,第二階段是研究實施這個課程對高中一年級學生的學習成效之影響。在第一階段的課程設計方面,分爲課件開發及教學過程設計兩部分。教學內容乃高一「三角函數圖像及性質」之學習單元,由研究者首先研讀相關之學習理論,作爲課件開發及教學過程設計的理論依據及原則,再進行整套課件的開發,其中課件以「幾何畫板」軟體進行製作,並設計教案以配合「電腦輔助教學」的進行。在第二階段的學習成效研究方面,研究方法既包括定量研究,也包括定性研究。定量研究主要探用不等組前後測設計進行準實驗研究。實驗樣本取自澳門粵華中學高一年級兩班理組學生共81名,分派一班爲實驗組,實施電腦輔助教學課程;另一班爲控制組,實施傳統講述式教學課程。本實驗教學爲期四週,經實驗教學之後,比較兩組學生的學習成就及數學學習態度之改變,並用定性研究的方法、包括課堂觀察和晤談,以及分析三角函數成就測驗試題答對率,並調查實驗組學生對使用電腦輔助學習的態度,以探討定量研究數據背後的原因,希望藉此為將來電腦融入數學科教學的研究作參考。資料經處理分析之後,獲得研究結果如下: 一、數學學習成就方面 (一)實驗組與控制組全體學生數學學習成就的改變沒有顯著的差異,當中以實驗組的進步幅度比控制組大。(二)實驗組與控制組高分群學生數學學習成就的改變沒有顯著的差異,當中以實驗組的進步幅度比控制組少。(三)實驗組與控制組中分群學生數學學習成就的改變沒有顯著的差異,與實驗組之高、低分群相比,以中分群之進步幅度最大。(四)實驗組與控制組低分群學生數學學習成就的改變沒有顯著的差異,當中以實驗組的進步幅度比控制組大。二、數學學習態度方面 (一)實驗組與控制組全體學生在數學學習態度的改變有正向的影響,但沒有顯著的差異。當中以實驗組的進步幅度比控制組大。(二)實驗組與控制組高分群學生數學學習態度呈正成長,但並未達顯著差異。當中以實驗組的進步幅度比控制組大。(三)實驗組與控制組中分群學生在數學學習態度上呈正成長,但並未達顯著差異。當中以實驗組的進步幅度比控制組大。(四)實驗組低分群學生在數學學習態度呈正成長,但控制組低分群學生在數學學習態度上是呈負成長。故實驗組低分群學生在數學學習態度的改變上優於控制組低分群學生,且達到顯著差異。三、試題答對率方面 實驗組學生在代數表徵的試題答對率劣於控制組;但在圖像表徵的試題答對率則優於控制組。四、實驗組對「電腦輔助教學課程」的使用態度方面 實驗組學生對使用「電腦輔助教學課程」持正向肯定的態度,以中、低分群的學生比高分群給予較多的肯定。關鍵字: 電腦輔助教學、傳統教學、實驗組、控制組、數學學習成就、數學學習態度、幾何畫板。

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Faculty of Education




Mathematics -- Computer-assisted instruction -- Macau

數學 -- 電腦輔助教學 -- 澳門

Mathematics -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Macau

數學 -- 學習及教學 (高中) -- 澳門

Curriculum planning -- Computer-assisted instruction -- Macau

課程規劃 -- 電腦輔助教學 -- 澳門



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