
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

The world and its technology are changing rapidly. In the 21st century, each field is putting great effort in order to look for development. Fixed learning methods and outdated knowledge are insufficient to deal with the changes in this generation. Learning is not only for knowledge. Educators should provide students the environment which is good for their learning and growth. These let them develop their potential actively and lay the foundation of the students’ future and their life-long learning. Educators are responsible for teaching the future citizens in this new century, and eagerly hope to search the newer and more effective ways to lead our children to acquire surviving methods and skills. These can help them accustom their future life more easily. In the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Dr. Howard Gardner (Harvard University, U.S.A.) mentioned: Everybody has eight intelligences. However, each intelligence has its own way to operate. Almost everyone's intelligences can reach a certain level if suitable encouragement and instructions are given. The most important factor is that teachers can find out the most suitable learning trajectory for each student. Dr. Gardner stresses that these intelligences are often integrated, although they are affected by genetics and socialcultures, and individuals have different performances on different intelligences. Therefore, combining with multiple intelligences and problem solving, we can provide students varied learning activities and resources, and can teach them to solve the problems they meet in their daily life. These help create effective learning results timely and moderately. The results of this research stem from the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, the point of views of neuro-psychology and curriculum, the experiment results from Eastern and Western countries, interaction with local cultural features, local educational characteristics, ideals of school teaching, and from developments of evaluation and curriculum experiments in a primary school. From learning the theories, designing and refining the evaluation system, observing the records, writing the research report, starting and executing the teaching activities, examining how multiple intelligences theories guide local students’ intelligence development, and the feasibility of the curriculum and teaching revolution are studied. Apart from these, after knowing the view points of multiple intelligences, the researcher combines the theories and practices together by reflection and internalisation, and then brings them together to form a whole thesis in order to share with all the colleagues. Hopefully, in the future we can design a school-based evaluation system which can discover students’ potentials, and also more teaching activities which can enlighten students’ talents and can integrate students’ real life. As a result, we can gain the objective--education really meets the students' needs.

Chinese Abstract

世界風起雲湧,科技日新月異,展望二十一世紀,各個領域都在努力尋找未來的出路。固定的學習方式,一成不變的學識,已不足以應付時代 的蛻變,這變遷迫使學習不再是單一的求知活動,也不是一套行之有效的 學習模式,而是為學童提供有利他們學習與成長的環境,好讓他們積極發 展個人的潛能,以為將來及終身學習奠定良好的基礎。肩負著教導新世紀 公民的重责,使教育工作者殷切地期望尋找更新、更有效的方法,來引領 我們的孩子學會生存的方法與技能,以便順利地進入將來的生活。 美國哈佛大學教授豪爾·迦纳博士(Dr. Howard Gardner)在他的「多元 智能理論」(The Theory of Multiple Intelligences)中提到:每個人都擁有八 種智能,但他們都各有其獨特的運作方式,只要給輿適當的鼓勵與指導, 幾乎每個人的智能都可以達到相當的水準,重要的是教師能否找出最適合 每個學生的學習方式。而Gardner更強調這八種智能,雖然受到遺傳和社 會文化所影響,個人在各項智能的表現程度有所不同,但這些智能通常以 複雜的方式一起統合運作。因此,把多元智能舆解決問題能力結合起來, 為學生提供多樣化的學習活動和資源,使個人得以解決在日常生活中所遭 遇到的種種問題,以便適時適度地創造有效的學習成果。 本研究是從多元智能的理論、神經心理學的角度、課程的觀點、東西 方的實驗成果,再揉合本地的文化特點、本地教育的特色、學校的辦學理 想,並在一所小學進行評量的開展及課程的實驗。從理論的研習,評量系 統的設計及完善,觀察紀錄的進行,研究報告的撰寫,到教學活動的開展 與實施,來探討多元智能理論對本地學童智能開發的可塑性及進行課程與 教學改革的可行性。此外,研究員在認識多元智能的觀點後,通過反思 (reflection)和內化(internalization)將理論與實務聯繫起來,並結集成篇,期望能與同行者分享,以為日後設計更多能發掘學童潛能的校本评量系統,並開發更多啟迪才能、結合實際生活的教學活動,達致「適性教育」的願景。

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Faculty of Education




Multiple intelligences


Education -- Evaluation

教育 -- 評價



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