
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


教育戲劇課程設計之行動研究 : 以澳門協同特殊教育學校為例

English Abstract

This research explores the incorporation of Drama-in-Education as part of the formal curriculum for the school for special education and looks into the influences on the students and the practice of such methods. The main purposes of the study include : (1)To evaluate the effectiveness of “Drama-in-Education" in special education; (2)To improve the structure of official Drama-in-Education syllabus; (3)To develop the basic framework of “Drama-in-Education” through the action research.(4)To provide guidelines for local educators when executing Drama-in-Education. The research is to systematically illustrate the framework and the methods of the Drama-in-Education . Firstly, to cultivate the artistic potential of students in special education. Secondly, to learn through non-traditional teaching methods strategies. In learning process of the students, they find ways to release and express their feelings through observation and imagination. They understand the relationship between people and the society when they gain affirmation and confidence from the performance of drama. The following is the results of the research: 1. To define what Drama-in-Education is and how the curriculum should be used in the cultivation and meaning for special education school. a) The enhancement of the students’ artistic potential. b) To develop the competency of teachers. 2. To analyze the problems and the design of the course. a) The educational department encourages arts education, but the curriculum guidance is not clearly stated. b) There is inadequate supply of local textbooks and resources. And also the promotion of arts performance is not enough. 3. To look for the adaptation of the course and to encourage the students who have mentally problems to participate the course. a) Many problems are raised at the beginning of the Drama Course, b) Learning and instructional matters should be developed in Drama-in-Education 4. To ensure the feasibility of the integration of drama into the regular curriculum a) Drama as a performing art, and b)As a means of curriculum integration. 5. Based on the direction and the content of the course, students can explore more and enjoy life-wide learning under the proposed curriculum. Lastly, this study is to describe a basic foundation of drama practice, research and curriculum development in Macau education system. Keywords : Special Education, Drama-in-Education, Creative Drama, Conventions, School-based Curriculum, Teacher Action Research

Chinese Abstract

本研究旨在了解教育戲劇課程落實在特殊教育學校之正規課程中,其意涵與實施情況和對特殊學生之適應的影響。主要研究目的包括:(一)評鑑「協同特殊教育學校」施行的教育戲劇課程經驗;(二)整合學術理論和實務經驗,以作為規劃系統化的教育戲劇課程藍本;(三)透過研究者的行動研究,作為本校推行教育戲劇課程的實務理論基礎;(四)為本地教育工作者,納入「戲劇」為正規課程的歷程中,提供具參考性的模範。本研究最終盼能規劃教育戲劇課程的内容和模式,一則為了培養特殊學生在藝術能力指標上,達到並發挖出他們潛藏的能力;二則是透過課程,滲入新鮮有趣的劇場遊戲、融合不同的教學方法和策略,體驗有別於學科課程的授課模式。務求能帶領學生在學習目標的過程中,同時,學習開放自己的身心、調整和平衡個人的情緒、利用觀察和想像了解個人和社會的關係,並藉由演練的過程所獲得的掌聲,感受到個人因努力而獲得的肯定和自信。本研究的結果如下:一、界定教育戲劇應用在特殊教育學校的內涵與意義 1.提昇孩子的基本能力 2.增進教師的專業成長。二、分析在課程設計中所面對的問題和狀況 1.教育當局鼓吹藝術教育之風,卻未見可供參考之戲劇課程大綱 2.本地專書/工具書貧乏、且演出活動宣傳不足 三、了解身心障礙學生的課堂參與和適應 1.課程開始階段狀況頻生 2.教與學的共同成長 四、評估融入學科課程的可行性 1.戲劇視為一種表演 2.作為課程統整的橋樑 五、檢討課程規劃的方向和內容之實施 按照課程規劃的整體目標,漸次加深加廣課程內容,並切合生活化、社會化和多元化的體驗; 讓學生在既定的校園課室授課以外,配合參觀、表演和觀賞等戶外活動,豐富課程的內容。根據上述的研究結果,本研究針對教師實施戲劇教學與進一步研究及發展的方向,提出具體的建議,以作為對本澳有志於從事教育戲劇教學的教育工作者,在課程設計和實施上提供參考的價値。關鍵詞: 特殊教育、教育戲劇、創作性戲劇、學習模式、校本課程、行動研究

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Faculty of Education




Drama in education


Teacher participation in curriculum planning -- Macau

教師參與課程規劃 -- 澳門

Special education -- Macau

特殊教育 (資優人及殘障人) -- 澳門



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