
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

Arts education becomes a compulsory subject as a result of recent curriculum reform in the territory. Consequently, arts education attracts much attention. In terms of arts education, private school teachers focusing on helping students to acquire the skill of imitation has been a long standing practice. Arts appreciation curriculum has never been considered in a serious manner. Hence, students do not have a chance to develop their knowledge and appreciation ability. This research work stems from an ‘all-rounded-person’ perspective. I consider the enhancement of quality life of local citizens by promoting ‘life in arts’ and ‘arts in life’ can be an effective means. As such, exploring and developing localized cultural resources in order to enrich the current arts curriculum become a major concern in this research. The objective is to let students to live ‘within’ the multi-macanese cultures in harmony. This research also reveals the conditions of arts education and arts appreciation cur- riculum in Macao. This is a piece of qualitative research. I employ collaborative research method to conduct this research.By inviting teachers to collaborate in this research, I believe that both the research process and result can effect a positive change in future arts curriculum development. Such collaboration can also be considered as a new source for future education reform. The followings are the findings of this research: First findings: There are certain defects in the arts education in schools. For instance, students are ‘kept’ inside classroom repeatly doing their handicrafts and drawings. Second findings: Arts teachers are in need of government support in integrating arts curriculum. Third findings: Teachers consider that arts appreciation education can combine with everyday life. It can also be worked out by self-learning. Based on the above findings, my suggestions are as follows: 1. Educational and Youth Affairs Department can encourage teachers in government and private schools to develop their own school-based arts curriculum that fits the needs of schools and students. 2. Educational and Youth Affairs Department, Faculty of Education in the University of Macao and Macau Polytechnic should organize refreshing courses to upgrade arts teachers in Macao. The courses should include both knowledge and practice. Cognitive learning: Sino-Western Arts History, History of Macao, post-modern visual culture, the cognitive development of children's sense of beauty. Research plan: Curriculum development, appreciation and analysis of Macao arts culture, topic research can be launched to raise the standard of teachers. 3. Teachers can make use of the characteristics of local culture , scenic spots and current social condition to consider the plan of the appreciation curriculum .Teachers can also make use of the resources of the community service organizations from their local community , for instance , teachers can guide students to have arts appreciation and do research about the local culture by making use of the buildings just near the school , or making use of the current international, social or religion activities . 4. Arts appreciation curriculum can work together with other subjects. Teachers of different subjects can cooperate and plan topic research in order to enhance the quality of the curriculum. De facto, development of localized arts appreciation curriculum is significant to curriculum reform. I sincerely hope that this research can open up more possibilities for curriculum development in the territory.

Chinese Abstract

澳門因課程改革,美術得以列為必修科,美術教育也漸受重視,然長久以來,私立學校美術課程以重視技巧的模仿學習,美術欣賞課程未有重視,使學生欠缺美感認知能力的培養。本研究從全人發展去考慮學習需求,結合美術與生活,提昇美術教育的素質。從生活環境中,把本土獨特藝術文化納入課程資源,藉美術欣賞課程讓學生從本土的多元文化和而不同,瞭解澳門文化的人文精神,提升澳門美術教育的人文素質。本文結合課程與美術教育理論以及教學者的經驗來研究這個議題,以課程理論為軸線,及美術欣賞課程為橫軸,探討澳門的美術教育情況。 論文以質性研究為資料蒐集的基礎,以協作形式,與美術教師共同探討澳門美術教育情況,在各自抒發對美術教育的專業與經驗中互相支持,一起思考開發具美術欣賞的課程資源,透過共同探討的過程而形成共識為課程注入新的動力。本研究經深度訪談,發現以下的澳門美術教育現況。 發現一、美術課程的資源發展在學校有嚴重的障礙,學生只可以躲在課室,長期的做「手工」或「繪畫」。 發現二、有教學自由的美術教師需要政府統整美術課程。 發現三、教師認為美術欣賞可與生活的結合進行自我學習。 我就以上的研究發現,有以下的建議: 建議一、美術課程設置 教育局可鼓勵公立和私立學校教師,共同參與發展視覺教育課程大綱的藍圖,就每間學校的文化與環境發展校本課程。而本土文化欣賞資源與生活的結合正可彌補目前私立學校和公立學校課程未能統一的問題。 建議二、美術師資培訓 教育局與教育學院、理工學院合作,為全澳教師開設美術師資復修課程。課程宜設置知識和實踐兩個內容。第一部分、理論:課程發展、中西美術歷史、澳門歷史、後現代視覺文化、兒童美感認知發展。第二部分、研習:澳門文化藝術賞析、專題研習。 建議三、美術教育與社區資源的配合 教師可就本土文化特質的视覺景觀和社會動態的資源,考慮欣賞課程的設計,可利用本地社區內各機構的資源,在學校附近的環境選取建築物;或配合不同主題的國際、社團或宗教民間活動及時引導學生進行美感欣賞和研習本土文化內涵。 建議四、校本協作文化資源美術欣賞課程可與其他科目進行課程統整,教師與教師協作設計專題研習,使課程可得整體提昇,科目無分主次。 事實上,本土文化美術欣賞課程資源的開發有促進課程改革的意義,期望這個研究有助於本土課程的研發,為澳門美術課程發展提供更多的可能性。

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Faculty of Education




Curriculum planning -- Macau

課程規劃 -- 澳門

Art appreciation -- Macau

美術欣賞 -- 澳門



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