
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

The aim of this research is to do a survey of moral and civic education in Macau lower secondary schools. Through probing into the current situation of moral and civic education in Macau, issues regarding the structure, resources, purposes, topics, contact hours, approaches, methods, channels, teaching materials and difficulties were explored. The findings were used to enhance a more complete and effective moral and civic education in Macau. A sample was taken from schools adopting Chinese, British and Sino-Portuguese curriculum (excluding Portuguese,Canadian and international schools). Questionnaires were distributed to 34 schools, with 21 completed questionnaires collected, rendering the response rate 61.8%. In this research, results were mainly obtained from questionnaire analysis. Data related to moral and civic education was collected and analysed to explore the difficulties encountered, so as to raise suggestions for improvement. In order to collect deeper data not covered in the questionnaire,interviews based on the questionnaire were conducted with 10 schools. Data collected from the questionnaires were converted to percentage for analysis, and the main findings were as follow: (1) Each school has an individual moral and civic education subject, and individual teachers to teach this subject. (2) Teaching resource is limited, and most teachers are untrained to teach this subject. (3) Each school promotes diversified moral and civic education. (4) Lecturing is the main medium; practice is neglected. (5) Morals, ethics and personal development are emphasized, whereas other characters are neglected. (6) Limitation in teaching resources and materials is a difficulty encountered frequently. (7) Most schools believed that their targets match with that of the government. (8) Informal lessons were encouraged to promote moral and civic education. In accordance with the findings in this research, the following suggestions for improvement in moral and civic education are proposed: (1) Provide short term and long term training to raise the quality of teaching in Civic and Moral Education, and establish specialized teaching. (2) Strengthen co-operation, co-ordination and communication in the subject and improve teaching method. (3)Re-organize the curriculum in moral and civic education, and re-adjust the proportion of each component in the subject. (4) Increase resources allocated to moral and civic education. (5) Strengthen the role of ‘Civic and Moral Education’. Keyword: moral and civic education, Macau, lower secondary school

Chinese Abstract

本研究旨在對澳門學校的道德及公民教育作一深入的調查及訪談,全面探討澳門學校推行道德及公民教育的現況,了解各學校推行道德及公民教育的組織、 人力資源、目標、常教的課題、課時、推行模式、方法、途徑、所使用的教材, 以及困難等,進而嘗試透過此研究找出一些途徑,企圖使學校的道德及公民教育能得到全面、有效的施行。本研究以全澳的中國學制、英國學制、中葡學制的中學(葡國學制以及加拿大書院及國際學校等除外)為研究對象,共向 34所學校發出問卷,並成功回收21份問卷,回收率達61.8%。 本研究主要是採用問卷調查的方法,以問卷作爲研究工具收集本澳學校推行道德及公民教育的相關資料,然後進行分析,以發現其所遇到的困難,進而提出改善的建議。但爲了能更周詳地探討問卷以外各校推行道德及公民教育之資訊, 研究者除了使用問卷外,同時還選取了10所學校進行訪談,而訪談所設定的內容,主要以本研究所編製之問卷爲依據。而本研究問卷調查所得的資料主要採用百分比的統計方法來進行分析之。經分析後獲得以下主要結果。現摘錄如下: 一、各學校均開設了獨立的道德及公民教育科,並以專人任教該科。 二、師資不足夠,並且絕大部份的教師沒有接受培訓。 三、各學校都以多樣化的形式來推行道德及公民教育。四、以教師講授爲主,忽視了實踐的培育。 五、偏重品德、倫理及個人成長等方面的培育,而忽視了其他素質的培養。 六、教學資源及教材的不足仍是常遇到的難題之一。 七、大部份學校均認爲他們的目標都能與政府所訂之目標相互配合。 八、學校均以非正規課程,作爲主要的傳授方法,以改善道德及公民教育的推行。 根據研究結果的發現,本研究分別對澳門道德及公民教育的推行及發展提出以下五點建議: 一、提供短期及長期培訓以提高道德及公民教育科的師資素質及建立專科專教 二、強化統籌、協調、溝通以及改進教學方法 三、重整道德及公民教育課程,調整內容比例 四、增加道德及公民教育的資源 五、強化「道德及公民教育」的角色

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Faculty of Education




Moral education -- Macau

道德教育 -- 澳門



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