UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
Economic valuation of the cultural heritage in Macao
- English Abstract
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Historically, cultural heritage is a unique carrier of historical culture and testimony of human beings' history development. It has characters of time, non-renovating and non-displacing. It also has effects of sign and symbol. Historically, cultural heritage keeps close correlations with cultural emotion of human being and recognition of community. Nowadays, in the quick development of industrialization and urbanization, numbers of historically cultural heritage are reduced fastly, and the exceptionality of historically cultural heritage is embodied. How to protect historically cultural heritage, to reserve the diversity of traditional nationalities and historical culture, to remain the balance of cultural ecology and its vitality of continuing development, is a crucial thing to do. In the protection activities in historically cultural heritage, the value of world heritage and its evaluation is the basic problem to resolve for theory community. This thesis takes the Macao world heritage for example, using the theory of economics, at the angle of environment and resource of economics, on the basic of historically cultural heritage's protection and development, and this research use the TCM to evaluate the value of utility of travel of Macao world heritage. In the light of resources of survey in Macao, using the travel cost method (TCM) to evaluate the value of domestic travel utility, one reveals that worthies approximately of 25 billion Yuan. At last, based on the outcome of value evaluation, the protection and development of Macao world heritage and some problems on the protection and development of Macao world heritage are analyzed. Finally, a study on correspondent strategies is presented.
- Issue date
- Author
Ma, Ruo Wei,
- Faculty
- Faculty of Science and Technology
- Department
- Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Degree
- Subject
Cultural property -- Protection -- Macau
Cultural property -- Protection -- Economic aspects -- Macau
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000146989706306