UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
- English Abstract
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of strength training on muscular fitness strength and body composition in young male prepuberty. 34 healthy male school children, aged 8 -12 years old, were randomly separated into strength training (ST) and non-training (NT) groups. ST group experienced a 12-week strength training program of 90 minutes, 2 days a week, and then a detraining of 12 weeks. The non-training group, apart from participating in normal physical education classes, did not participate in any physical training program. It was found that, 1) 12-week ST improved the children’s 1RM strength of dumbbell curl, standing jump, push-ups and 30m dash. It only had a trend to reduce the skinfold thickness of upper and lower limbs, and the girths of biceps and quadriceps, but had no significant influences on grip strength, sit-ups and the parameters of body composition. 2) The elevations of strength fitness were not due to the changes of body composition. 3) 12week-detraining, lowered the muscular endurance of upper body (push-ups), and did not affect dumbbell curl significantly, and also there was an increasing tendency on upper body’s skinfold thickness. It suggests that the changes of muscular fitness caused by short term strength training appear to be influenced by neuromuscular adaptations or degeneration.
- Chinese Abstract
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為探討力量訓練的效果以及停訓對青春期前男童的作用及原因,本研究以組 內、組間設計的準實驗法,觀察了 12 週力量訓練及 12 週停訓對力量素質和身體 成分的影響。研究對象為 34 名身體健康、年齡介乎 8 – 12 歲的男生,隨機均分為 力量訓練組及非訓練組,力量訓練組在課後進行每星期 2 次、每次 90 分鐘,共計 12 週的力量練習及 12 週停訓,非練習組除與力量訓練組同樣的正常體育課外,不 安排任何力量練習。力量訓練組練習項目分為器械性及非器械性,器械性練習負 荷為 70 – 80%的最大力量,器械性包括輔助的練習及柔軔練習如蛙跳、掌上壓、 伸展運動及一些抗阻性遊戲等。結果發現:1) 短期的力量訓練可促進男童的上肢 彎舉最大力量的增加,提升立定跳遠、掌上壓和 30m 衝刺能力,但對手握力、仰 臥起坐影響不大;短期的力量訓練不能改變身體成分,僅對上下肢皮脂厚度和圍 度有減少趨勢。2)短期的力量訓練引起男童的力量素質的改善並不是身體成分改 變造成的,生長因素對短期力量訓練增加影響不大。3)短期停訓可使增長的掌上 壓有所消退,即對肌肉耐力有影響,但對肌力和爆發力影響不大;停訓對身體成 分無顯著影響,僅使得上肢皮脂厚度有增加的趨勢。結果說明:短期的力量訓練 可提高男童的肌力、肌肉耐力和爆發力,並不是肌肉肥大、身體成分改變的結果, 而可能與神經肌肉調節能力改善有關;停訓導致的肌耐力的消退亦可能與神經調 節能力退化有關。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Physical fitness for children -- Macau
兒童的體能訓練 -- 澳門
Physical fitness for children -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- Macau
兒童的體能訓練 -- 學習及教學 (小學) -- 澳門
Physical education and training -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- Macau
體育教育及訓練 -- 學習及教學 (小學) -- 澳門
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000018279706306