
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


負重深蹲複合全身振動訓練對 PAP 效果的影響

English Abstract

Objective:The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of load-squats with WBV on jump performance. Methods:14 male students which major in sports aged from 18-24 years old (height: 176.14 ± 4.82cm; weight: 70.29 ± 4.83kg) from Beijing Sports University were recruited for this study. 1 RM (Maximum repetitive weight) was tested before the protocol. Subjects take part in 4 tests in different days, separated by 24-48 hours. Subjects make the first group jump and rest 4 minutes. And an set of squat in different condition will be taken. After 4 minutes rest, take the second group of jump and rest 4 minutes and take the third jump group jump. Each group of jump has two CMJs (counter movement jump)and two SJs (squat jump). The four treatment conditions are (1)50%1RM squat,(2)50%1RM squat with WBV(3) 85%1RM squat (4). 85%1RM squat with WBV. Results:The results showed that, (1).after the trial of 50% 1RM squats with WBV, jump height of CMJ increased at 4 min and 8 min after squats by 3.4% and 3.8%(p < .05), jump impulse increased by 2.8% and 3.1%(p < .05) , peak power increased by 2.4% and 2.6%(p < .05) and relative peak power increased by 2.4% and 2.8%(p < .05); (2) .After the trial of 85% 1RM squats, jump height of CMJ increased at 4 min and 8 min after squats by 3.0% and 4.3%, jump impulse increased by 3.7% and 3.6%, peak power increased by 2.0% and 3.9%, peak power/weight increased by3.7% and 3.6% (3) After the trial of 85% 1RM squats with WBV, only jump impulse of CMJ increased.3.3% and 4.7% at 4min and 8 min after squats. Conclusion:The results of this study suggest that (1) light-load squats with WBV could induce PAP ;(2)heavy-load squats with WBV couldn’t increase all the performance; (3) subjects with different strength quality might be sensitive to different stimulations.

Chinese Abstract

研究目的:本研究嘗試使用負重深蹲配合全身振動訓練(WBV)以觀察 PAP 效 應。研究方法:14 名北京體育大學體育系男生(年齡範圍 18 到 24 歲,身高 176.14 ± 4.82 釐米,體重 70.29 ± 4.83 公斤)參與了實驗,受試者分別在不同時 間進行者參加全部四種 PAP 觸發模式,分別在不同時間進行測試,組間間隔 24 - 48 小時。每組測試過程均為縱跳-(休息 4min)-負重深蹲-(休息 4min)-縱跳-(休 息 4min)-縱跳,。其中每組縱跳包括 2 個下蹲跳和 2 個半蹲跳。用於產生 PAP 的負重深蹲模式包括(1)3*50%1RM 深蹲;(2) 3*50%1RM 深蹲附加 WBV;(3) 3*85%1RM 深蹲;(4)3*85%1RM 深蹲 WBV。研究結果:(1) 在 50%1RM+WBV 的條件下,下蹲跳縱跳高度訓練後 4 分鐘和 8 分鐘分別提高了 3.4%、3.8% (p < .05),起跳衝量提高 2.8%、3.1%(p < .05),峰值功率提高 2.4%、2.6% (p < .05),相對峰值功率提高程度 2.4%、2.8%;(2) 在 85%1RM 的條件下,下蹲跳 縱跳高度在訓練後 4 分鐘和 8 分鐘分別提高 3.0%、4.3% (p < .05) ,起跳衝量 提 高 3.7%、3.6% (p < .05) ,峰值功率提高 2.0%、3.9%,相對峰值功率提高 3.7%、3.6% (p < .05)。(3) 在 85%1RM 負重深蹲附加 WBV 條件下,起跳衝量訓 練後 4 分鐘和 8 分鐘分別提高 3.3%、4.7% (p < .05)。結論:較低負荷負重深蹲 附加 WBV 可獲得 PAP 效應,較高負荷負重深蹲附加 WBV 僅部分提高運動表 現。不同力量素質的受試者對不同刺激的反應可能有所區別。

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Faculty of Education




Physical fitness -- Testing

體能 -- 測試

Vibration -- Physiological effect

振動 -- 生理效應

Muscle strength




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