
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


創設合作學習活動形塑幼兒品德行為之行動研究 = Shaping children's moral behavior by cooperative learning skills

English Abstract

Researcher was assigned to a classroom with multicultural backgrounds. There were 13 schoolchildren in total in the classroom, and most of them are from Mainland China, Macau, the Philippines, Myanmar, and Germany. Due to language barriers and cultural diversity, disputes and conflicts happened very frequently in the classroom, and that created a lot of problems for the teacher in managing the classroom. In order to improve the learning environment, researcher applied a number of teaching approaches in themed classes, including collaborative learning, group game, role play, small group reflection, in an attempt to establish a cooperative learning ambiance and interaction between the students. After five months of conducting research, their capability to cooperate with one another was enhanced and their manner and behavior was improved as well. The number of conflicts and disputes in the classroom was substantially reduced. Below are the skills or abilities that the students demonstrated in cooperative learning activities during our observation, including: 1. Interpersonal Skills: to be patient to listen, to share ideas with people friendly, and to be concerned about the needs of others. 2. Group Management Skills: to comply with the principle of the division of labor, and to complete tasks collaboratively. 3. Inquiry Skills: to express doubt and ask questions in accordance with the guidance of teachers, and then start discussion. 4. Conflict Resolving Skills: to learn to accept everyone's opinions, and to solve the problem in a fair and reasonable manner. 5. Synthesis and Presentation Skills: to demonstrate group opinions comprehensively through paintings, working sheets, and role play activities. In addition, moral behaviors that the children demonstrated in activities are also iv observed, including: 1. Cooperation: being consistent with the above-mentioned cooperative skills 2. Caring: taking the initiative to care for others, and making timely assistance 3. Respect: attentive listening, respect other people's opinions 4. Fairness: consulting and negotiating with each other when dispute happens, until a consensus is reached by both sides 5. Responsibility: taking the initiative to carry out their own tasks and supervising one another. 6. Braveness: having the courage to seek ways to solve any difficulties encountered, and never giving up. 7. Courtesy: peer sharing, taking turns, and mutual concessions

Chinese Abstract

研究者的工作場域是一個多元文化的班級,其幼兒大都來自中國大陸、澳 門、菲律賓、緬甸、德國等地,班級人數約 13 人,卻常因語言與文化的差異性, 幼兒爭執與衝突現象頗多,造成老師班級經營的困境。為解決此一現象,研究者 試圖以合作學習法之共同學習法、小組遊戲競賽法、扮演遊戲法、小組反思法等 教學策略,於主題課程時間,創設合作學習活動。 歷經五個月的行動研究,試圖透過合作學習活動增進幼兒的合作能力,並同 時發展其良好的品德行為,以解決班級的衝突現象,令爭執事件能盡量減少。 在研究的過程中,觀察到幼兒在合作學習活動中表現出其合作能力包括: 〈一〉人際交往能力:耐心傾聽,有善地與人分享意見,並能關注到別人的需求。 〈二〉經營小組能力:遵守分工的原則,合作完成任務。 〈三〉提問能力:根據教師的指示作出提問,以展開討論過程。 〈四〉解決衝突能力:學習接受大家的意見,以公平、合理的方式解決問題。 〈五〉綜合呈現能力:以繪畫、工作紙和扮演活動等方式呈現其成果。 另外,也發現他們在活動中表現較突出的良好品德行為,包括: 〈一〉合作:與上述的合作能力表現一致。 〈二〉關懷:主動關心別人,並適時作出援助。 〈三〉尊重:專心聆聽,尊重別人的意見。 〈四〉公平:出現紛爭時,必須經過互相協商的過程,直至雙方都能接受為止。 〈五〉責任:積極完成自己的任務,並能做到彼此相互監督。 〈六〉勇敢:遇到困難,勇於尋求方法,永不放棄。 〈七〉禮讓:同儕能互相分享,等候時,不爭先恐後。

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Faculty of Education




Group work in education


Moral education (Early Childhood)

道德教育 (嬰兒至初級小學)



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