
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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English Abstract

Nowadays, Physical Education focuses on not only imparting skills and knowledge but also cultivating the development of physical and mental health of students. Over the years, the martial arts teaching usually uses the traditional teaching model of “pass on knowledge and skill through oral instruction and by teachers’ examples” through teachers’ illustration, demonstration, leading practice, individual guidance and students’ imitation. This kind of model has irreplaceable advantages. However, single traditional teaching model is not conducive to develop students’ self-learning ability, spirit of cooperation, creativity, etc. It also does not meet the students’ physical and mental development requirements and go against the students’ social adaption. All of these factors lead to the students’ learning enthusiasm decline, and teaching and learning effect is not ideal as well. Cooperative teaching and learning model based on the principle of heterogeneous and homogeneous between groups of the students in accordance with different races, gender, ability and other factors in a heterogeneous group of cooperative learning. Teachers give each group a common learning objective, and students ultimately reach the personal and team goals through the inter-dependence between the teams, collaboration, social interaction and assistance and sharing. By means of teaching experiments, this study aims to explore the students’ motor skills, cognitive and affective effects of cooperating learning model on the martial arts teaching and learning in Macau colleges. This study adopted the inter and intra group design for observation. Students from the 24-styleSimplified Tai Chi Elective Courses at Macau University of Science and Technology were studies. Four classes were randomly divided into the experimental and control groups with 30 students per class. Students’ age, sex and martial arts experiences were similar and had no significant difference. The control group utilized the traditional teaching method, while the experimental group applied the cooperative teaching and learning model. Number of lessons was the same. The experimental and control group were taught by the same teacher with same teaching progress on each class. Through the experimental works, great volume of data from the control and experimental group were collected. By analyzing and processing these data, we can draw the following conclusions. For the skill assessment aspect, no significant difference (p>0.05) was found between students’ average point of the cooperative learning group and group adopted the traditional teaching model, although 84.91±7.57 was higher than 82.21±9.32. There were significant difference (p>0.05) between the cognitive (basic knowledge) and affective dimensions. Students from the experimental group had better attendance and evaluation of the teaching progress than students from the control group. As the cooperative had the focus on students as the center in learning, it provoked the opportunities in communication and as such cultivating the development of positive values and attitudes, strengthening the development of self-confidence, problem solving abilities, creativity and habit of good behavior in sport among students. The experiment demonstrated the possibilities in initiating cooperative teaching model for the learning of martial arts. Cooperative IV teaching and learning had a better chance to achieve the purpose of quality education and the discovery of inter-disciplinary talents in students.

Chinese Abstract

現在體育教育不再只是注重傳授技能知識,還要注重培養學生身心健康的發 展。多年來,武術教學通常採用教師講解、示範、領做、學生模仿練習、教師個 別指導這樣“口傳身授”的傳統教學模式,這種教學模式有著不可替代的優點。但 是單一的傳統教學模式不利於培養學生的自學能力、合作精神、創造性等,不符 合學生身心發展所需,不利於學生社會適應性的發展,學生的學習熱情下降,教 學效果不理想。合作學習教學模式教師根據組內異質、組間同質的原則把學生按 照不同種族、性別、能力等因素分配在一個異質性小組進行合作學習,給每一個 小組一個共同的學習目標,透過小組間的互相依賴、共同合作、人際互動、協助 與分享,最終達成個人及團隊的共同目標。本研究通過教學實驗,探討合作學習 教學模式在澳門高校武術教學中對學生在技能、認知及情意方面的影響。 本研究屬於組內組間設計。對澳門科技大學武術公共選修課二十四式簡化太 極拳的學生進行研究,將四個班級隨機分為實驗組 (2 班,計 60 人)及對照組(2 班,計 60 人),兩組學生年齡、性別、武術基礎無顯著差異。對照組運用傳統教 學模式進行教學,實驗組運用合作學習教學模式進行教學,兩組的授課節數、教 師、教學進度等條件完全一致。 通過教學實驗獲得了對照組和實驗組的大量資料,對這些資料進行了統計分 析處理,得出以下結論:在技能考核方面,合作學習教學模式學生平均成績 84.91 ±7.57 高於傳統教學模式學生的平均成績 82.21±9.32,但不存在顯著差異 (p>0.05);在認知(基本知識)維度上及情意的各個維度上均存在顯著差異 (p

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Faculty of Education




Martial arts -- Macau

武術 -- 澳門

Group work in education -- Macau

群組式學習及教學 -- 澳門



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