
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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English Abstract

The purpose of this study was to understand single-child’s career self-identity themes, development process and influence factors by using narrative research. This study selected three single-child people as research object. They were from different areas, genders, professionals and work in different areas. The methodology of this study was narrative method, based on Lieblich et al.(1998)proposed the “holistic-content” as analysis model. After read, summary and analysis stories, here were some findings: About self-identity life themes: The research participant A showed the “insist on his own choice” as his self-identity theme; the research participant B’s self-identity theme was “pay attention to the self-growth”; and the last research participant showed the “be yourself” as her self-identity theme. Their self-identity themes had some commons like they all triedto overcome the social bias about single-child; attach importance to undertake responsibility and with positive and optimistic attitude to face difficulties. About self-identity development process: The research participant A’s development process hadbeen in a stable state; the research participant B’s development process showedrising trend step by step; the research participant C’s development process move forward in the twists and turns. Integrated three participants identity development process, we found that self-identity development process experience a dynamic process from differentiation to integration and after career turning events, one can maturely face its selfidentity more comprehensive . Self-identity influence factors include that self-identity theme came from family growth environment; significant others had guiding influences; dealing with chance event reflect one’s uniqueness about its self-identity and the “results first” value hadboth positive and negative influence.

Chinese Abstract

本研究之目的在於通過故事敘說的方式,以獨生子女的生涯選擇故事為切入點, 探討故事中蘊含的自我認同生命主題及其發展脈絡,理解獨生子女形成自我認同的影 響因素。 本研究選取三位來自不同地區、性別、專業及工作領域的獨生子女為研究對象, 以 Lieblich et al.(1998)提出之“整體—內容”敘事方法為分析模式进行分析。在經歷 了文本收集、整理、分析、匯總過程後,對照研究目的,本研究之研究發現如下: (一)研究參與者之生涯選擇故事敘說體現的自我認同生命主題為:研究參與 者 A 顯示出“堅持自己的選擇”之自我認同生命主題;研究參與者 B 自我認同生命主 題為“重視自我成長”;研究參與者 C 以“做真實的自己”為其突出的自我認同生命 主題。三位研究參與者自我認同生命主題之共性分別體現在努力克服社會對獨生子女 的刻板印象;重視承擔責任之價值觀念;面對困境之積極樂觀心態三个方面。 (二)研究參與者自我認同生命主題發展脈絡為:研究參與者 A 自我認同發展 脈絡一直處於較為穩定平衡的狀態之中;研究參與者 B 自我認同發展脈絡呈現不斷上 升向前發展的趨勢;研究參與者 C 之自我認同發展脈絡有明顯的高峰低谷階段,在曲 折中前進。綜合三位研究參與者自我認同發展脈絡,發現自我認同生命主題發展脈絡 經歷由分化到統整的動態過程;在經歷重大生涯事件後,個體的自我認同發展趨勢逐 漸趨於成熟和穩定。 (三)自我認同形成的影響因素包括:自我認同生命主題根源自個體家庭成長 環境之中;重要他人對自我認同生命主題的形成具有指導性的影響;對偶發事件的處 理方式彰顯自我認同生命主題之獨特性;“成績取向”普遍價值觀對個體自我認同生 命主題形成產生積極、消極雙面影響四个方面。 關鍵詞:獨生子女、自我認同、生涯選擇、叙事研究

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Faculty of Education




Only child -- Case studies

獨生子女 -- 個案研究

Career development -- China -- Case studies

事業發展 -- 中國 -- 個案研究



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