
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_down
MFLL 000Juridical Sciences (Portuguese Language) (SAMPLE)Efeitos patrimoniais da união de facto em Macau
Ho, I Sut Correia, Paula Nunes 2017. Master
Gender differences in Chinese hotel guests' coping strategies check Full Text
Lei, Sok I Lam, Chee Shiong 2018. Master
Contextualization of the liability of the administrators towards the company and its creditors in Macau check Full Text
Guedes, João Vicente Silva Vieira Botelho Garcia, Augusto 2019. Master
MAS(LIT) 000 (SAMPLE) Des, encontros entre o Oriente e o Ocidente : algumas achegas para o estudo dos movimentos simbolistas portugues e chines
Morais, Isabel Maria da Costa 1994. Master
MFLL 000International Business Law (SAMPLE) Laws and policies for renewable energy industries in china and Germany compared
Waak, Leander Peter Neuwirth Rostam J. 2019. Master
MST(S) 000 (SAMPLE) RamanImaging data preprocessing for quantitative analysis
Ao, Wai Hou Chen, Long 2019. Master
MFLL 000International Law (SAMPLE) Two faces of ICJ : a legal reflection of the equidistance method in maritime delimitation
Gao, Han Mo Shijian 2017. Master
Examining the collaborative effort of gaming concessionaires in community engagement in Macauy [sic] : the case of the "Macau Loves Locals" campaign check Full Text
Sam, Ka Fai Ho, Ying 2018. Master
淺論家庭暴力問題 : 反思本澳家暴法之若干問題 = Brief introduction of domestic violence-reflection on several issues of the law on preventing and combating domestic violence of Macau check Full Text
何倩彤 邱庭彪 2019. Master
代孕所生子女監護權的歸屬與取得 = Ownership and acquisition of custody of children born in surrogacy check Full Text
王元昊 稅兵 2019. Master
Total Results: 9994

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