
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_down
Uncovering urban mobility patterns in a compact city using smartcard data : a trip-pair clustering based approach
Ku, Weng Keong, Kou Kun Pang 2023. Doctoral
Design and development of haptic bilateral teleoperated robotic systems for micro- and macro-scale applications
Feng, Kai, Xu Qing Song 2024. Doctoral
Sulfidation of nanoscale zerovalent iron induced by sulfide-laden effluent
Cheng, Yu Jun, Hao Tianwei 2024. Doctoral
High efficiency continuous-time sigma-delta modulator design considerations
Xu, Zi Xuan Zhu, Yan 2024. Doctoral
Towards the efficient solutions of steady Euler equations and applications in reinforcement learning for the aerodynamic optimal design
Wang, Jing Feng Hu, Guang Hui 2024. Doctoral
An ensemble of hydrological-hydrodynamic coupled model and machine learning methods : application to floods prediction over Pearl River Estuary
Fei, Kai Gao, Liang 2024. Doctoral
Resilient control of distributed HVAC-based demand response in cyber-physical power system against cyber-attacks
Yang, Shao Hua Lao, Keng Weng 2024. Doctoral
Optimization-oriented EPC method for analyzing nonlinear stochastic oscillators
Bai, Guo Peng Er, Guo Kang 2024. Doctoral
Efficient and energy stable numerical schemes for the phase field crystal equations
Zhang, Fan Sun, Hai Wei 2024. Doctoral
O feminino na literatura Macaense
Morais, Inácia Maria Paiva Martins de Espadinha, Maria Antónia 2006. Doctoral
Total Results: 10000

Showing 61 to 70 of 10000 results