
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_down
Unraveling the spatiotemporal brain dynamics of crossmodal interaction with fMRI
Liu, Li Li, Huang Ruey-Song 2024. Doctoral
Storytelling of conflict : morality and socialization in parent-child interaction
Chen, Hui Min, Kim Younhee 2024. Doctoral
Resource allocation and task offloading for heterogeneous services
Zhao, Yun Zhi, Hou Fen 2024. Doctoral
Wide-capture-range clock and data recovery circuit
Wang, Lin, Chen Yong 2024. Doctoral
Resource management for integrated sensing, communication and computation systems
Huang, Ning, Wu Yuan 2024. Doctoral
王珏, 鄧駿捷 2024. Doctoral
Discovery of Rabdosia serra-derived diterpenoids as natural PXR agonist for targeted ulcerative colitis therapy check Full Text
Li, Hong Yi Wang Sheng Peng 2024. Doctoral
Differentiable adversarial self-adaptive physics-informed neural networks
Zhang, Guang Tao Leong, Ieng Tak 2024. Doctoral
Advancements in surface wave inversion : deep learning approaches for shear wave velocity profiling in layered and continuous soil stiffness scenarios
Zhou, Zan Lok, Man Hoi 2024. Doctoral
Numerical analysis of delay fractional equations
Cen, Da Kang Vong, Seak Weng 2024. Doctoral
Total Results: 10000

Showing 21 to 30 of 10000 results