
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_down
Rapid and continuous synthesis of functional nanoparticles on a microfluidic platform check Full Text
Ma, Jun Ping Li, Cheuk Wing 2018. Doctoral
Recidivism and crime specialization among male inmates in Chinese prisons check Full Text
Wang, Xiao Xiang Liu Jianhong 2020. Doctoral
Relationship management and job satisfaction : how to prolong employee relationships in organizations in Macau
Iong, Luisa Chen, Yi Ru 2008. Master
Research on the political economy of RMB exchange rate : the case of the EU-China dispute
Zhu, Hong Yu 2009. Master
Reflexoes sobre o estilo nas traducoes das obras do Dr. Henrique de Senna Fernandes
Yan, Zhuo 姚京明 2009. Master
Representation of power in 1984 : a culmination of Orwell's political ideas
Wang, Ming Yue Chiu, Man Yin 2012. Master
Representations of nature of science in science textbooks : A systematic review
Su, Ri Ping 魏冰 Master
Ritual and the sacred in Peter Shaffer's theatre : a study of The Royal Hunt of the Sun, Equus and The Gift of the Gorgon
Lao, Oliveros Timmermans, Glenn Henry 2007. Master
Reconstructing cultural identity through translation : a case study of the Chinese and English translations of a Macanese novel
Wan, Teng Long 張美芳 2010. Master
Regulation of cloud computing and emerging contractual practices of cloud service providers check Full Text
Kuchina, Yaroslava Ramaswamy Muruga Perumal 2017. Master
Total Results: 308

Showing 91 to 100 of 308 results