
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
Speech translation : a functionalist analysis of the welcome speech of the Macao 4th East Asian Games
Lam, Pui Kwan Venkatesan, Hari 2008. Master
Sino-French relationship during the presidency of Nicolas Sarkozy : what went wrong? check Full Text
Fu, Meng Si Wang Jianwei 2013. Master
Searching for a proper grand strategy : the U.S. response to the rise of China
Fong, Ka Man Song Weiqing 2013. Master
Security, interest, and reputation : explaining China's foreign aid policy check Full Text
Li, Ya Li Song Weiqing 2013. Master
Student satisfaction with English instruction in Macao
Lei, Iok Wa Whilhelm, Kim Hughes 2006. Master
Stock markets, banks and economic growth : evidence from 10 Asian economies
Yao, Li Yan Ho, Wai Hong 2007. Master
Secondary school English teachers’ experience of online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic : A TPCK perspective
Lu, Yi Lin Yuan, Rui Master
Sino-Japanese relations : from the perspective of power transition theory
Lu, Shu Wen Wang Jian wei 2012. Master
Soft-budget constraints, ownership structure and banking in China
Wang, Jue 廖振華 2006. Master
Supplementing Hong Kong textbooks to facilitate students' English learning
O, Ka I Wilhelm, Kim Hughes 2007. Master
Total Results: 456

Showing 1 to 10 of 456 results