
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
Fuzzy control on double inverted pendulum
Lei, Kam Kin Chen, Wei Ji 2005. Master
Formal analysis of Web Services Atomic Transaction protocol using SPIN
Leong, Ieng Kit Xu, Qiwen 2009. Master
Fuzzy adaptive agent for supply chain management
Lou, Sio Fan Si, Yain Whar 2009. Master
Frequency domain approach to time series analysis
Mui, Chi Seong Nunes, Alvaro Duarte 2000. Master
Fast transform based operators for Toeplitz systems and their applications in image restoration
Kou, Kit Ian Jin, Xiao Qing 1999. Master
Fazendo sentido de um exercício de jogo de mímica em uma aula de contação de histórias em PLA check Full Text
Wang, Rui Moutinho Rodrigues da Silva, Ricardo 2023. Master
Family language policy of families in a monolingual context : a case study in the Pearl River Delta region of Mainland China check Full Text
Lei, Si Yu 龔陽 2023. Master
Female image construction in Chinese women's reality shows : Watching Sisters Who Make Waves check Full Text
Yang, Yun Ying Shi, Wei 2022. Master
Fully coupled numerical analysis of a diaphragm wall construction
Lau, Siu Kei Yan, Wai Man 2009. Master
Field monitoring of a diaphragm wall construction in Macau
Wong, Sio Leong Yan, Wai Man 2009. Master
Total Results: 240

Showing 1 to 10 of 240 results