
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_down Degree
Urban space and local identity in Macao films : an analysis of Sisterhood and Our 17
Chan, Hio Cheng 李展鵬 2023. Master
Understanding Chinese EFL students' academic emotions toward teacher written feedback in second language academic writing check Full Text
Chen, Yong Lin Yu, Shu Lin 2023. Master
Understanding how triple negative breast cancer cells become more malignant after interacting with macrophages
Hao, Meng Luo, Qian 2023. Doctoral
Understanding visitors' virtual reality experience in attractions
Si Tou, Chi Fai Choe, Ja Young 2023. Doctoral
Understanding the role of information literacy in academic writing in higher education
Yu, Cheng Yuan Zhao, Guan Fang 2023. Doctoral
Understanding the impacts of emotional responses to teacher feedback on secondary students' L2 writing performance check Full Text
Zhang, Xin Lei Yu, Shu Lin 2023. Master
Uma tradução comentada entre português e chinês do documentário "Do Outro Lado do Mundo"
Liu, Ruo Yi 姚京明 2023. Master
University students' acceptance and experiences of using mobile apps to develop intercultural competence check Full Text
Zhang, Xiao Tian Zhou, Ming Ming 2023. Doctoral
Understanding juvenile delinquency in Chinese adolescents : a comparative study of risk and protective factors for juvenile delinquency in Mainland China, Taiwan, and Macao
Chen, Yi Yi Li, De 2023. Doctoral
Uma tradução comentada do documentário A Cidade Proibida 100 check Full Text
Leong, Mei Kei Carvalho, Manuela 2022. Master
Total Results: 103

Showing 1 to 10 of 103 results