
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_down Degree
Doctrine of exhaustion of rights and parallel imports : legal issues and challenges in China
Jia, Hang Hang Ramaswamy, Muruga Perumal 2005. Master
Development of a novel electro-hydraulic fully variable valve-train for four stroke automotive engines
Li, Ke Wong, Pak Kin 2005. Master
Design of miniaturized cross-coupled microstrip filter with spurious response suppression
Chang, Ka Fai Tam, Kam Weng 2004. Master
Determinants of Chinese air travelers' intention towards using electronic ticketing
Che, Wai Sam Wan, Guohua 2004. Master
Design of miniaturized dual-mode bandpass filter with spurious response suppression
Sun, Kin Keong Tam, Kam Weng 2004. Master
Developing human resource accounting to improve human resource management : a case study of practicing HRA in a Chinese state-owned-enterprise
Tang, Tang Chai, Lai Ping 2002. Master
Detecting ECG late potentials using wavelet transform
Vai, Mang I Zhou, Li Gao 2002. Doctoral
Distributed service-oriented disaster tolerant solution for web application systems
Shao, Zhi Guo, Zhen Sheng 2002. Master
Development of environmental information system for Macau
U, Wa Tang 2001. Master
Do mundo real ao mundo virtual : alguns aspectos juridicos-criminais da vida cibercomunitaria
馮文莊, 2000. Master
Total Results: 427

Showing 411 to 420 of 427 results