
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Contributo para e elaboracao de um curso de portugues, lingua estrangeira de especialidade, dominio medico
Santos, Sara Goncalves dos 2001. Master
Concurrent engineering in modern mold design and production
Sio, Sei Hoi Sun, Jian 2001. Master
Computer-aided analysis for combined building services drawings using Real-coded Genetic Algorithm
Lao, Seng Kin, Wong, Pak Kin 2001. Master
Contribuição para uma análise lexical do vocábulo "Aseento"
Conde, Margarida Isaura Vilela, Mario 2001. Master
Consolidation of clayey soils by prefabricated vertical drains
Tang, Un Meng Subrahmanyam, M. S. 2001. Master
Clustering users from user profiles in the digital library
Ao Ieong, U Gong, Zhi Guo 2002. Master
Convergence of Fourier series on the sphere in the Clifford analysis setting
Liu, Shuang Qian, Tao 2002. Master
Corrosion study of laser welded stainless steels
Fong, Siu Lung Kwok, Chi Tat 2002. Master
CALL : 2D diagrammatic tool for assisting English phonetics learning
Lim, Lily Wu, Enhua 2002. Master
Cycles in the weak-form efficiency of the Hong Kong stock market : the influence of economic variables, 1980 to 1999
Chan, Wai In Trigueiros, Duarte 2003. Master
Total Results: 545

Showing 21 to 30 of 545 results