
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_down Issue Date Degree
Drug smuggling in China : evidence from Chinese sentencing documents check Full Text
Tang, Ruo Yang Cai, Tian Ji 2021. Doctoral
Decision support system case base reasoning applied to pile foundation
Garanito, Laurinda Aguiar Gomes Babka, Otakar 1997. Master
Do crime de branqueamento de capitais : introducao e tipicidade
Godinho, Jorge A. F. Andrade, Manuel da Costa 1999. Master
Do mundo real ao mundo virtual : alguns aspectos juridicos-criminais da vida cibercomunitaria
馮文莊, 2000. Master
Does Zero Based Budgeting weaken Ratchet Effect of fiscal budget? : a case study of Zhuhai municipal fiscal budget check Full Text
Zhou, Dian Fan 2019. Master
Des, encontros entre o Oriente e o Ocidente : algumas achegas para o estudo dos movimentos simbolistas portugues e chines
Morais, Isabel Maria da Costa 1994. Master
Detection of safety driving based on driver eyes and faces check Full Text
Tai, Keng Iam 2020. Master
Development of environmental information system for Macau
U, Wa Tang 2001. Master
Detecting earthquake survivors by digital signal processing and beat algorithm check Full Text
He, Jia Ying 2015. Master
Does property transaction matter in price discovery in real estate market check Full Text
Lei, Chi Cheong 2014. Master
Total Results: 426

Showing 411 to 420 of 426 results