
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_up Issue Date Degree
Pricing in mobile communications services
Un, Man Wai 2003. Master
Prospects of Macau tourism development and strategies analysis
Lam, Wai Han 2000. Master
Performance management in foreign investment enterprises and Chinese enterprises
Xiao, Jin Ming 2001. Master
Personal financial planning : a way to make a better and more secure life
Ma, Lai No 1997. Master
Positioning tourism in Macau : an exploratory study
Vong, Lai Kuan 1999. Master
Pneumatic products in China : a case study
Xu, Ning 2001. Master
Politica monetaria e taxa de cambio de Macau
Fung, Sio Weng 1996. Master
Profiling the capacities of effective managers in Macau financial sector
Cheang, Weng Chong 2010. Master
Position mobile phone market
Lu, Yun Ran 2000. Master
Public housing policy in Macao : an evaluative study
Lam, Heng Leng 1999. Master
Total Results: 410

Showing 401 to 410 of 410 results