
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_up Issue Date Degree
O regime das provas obtidas pelo agente provocador = The legal regime for obtained proof by agent provocateur
Leong, Kuok Pan 邱庭彪 2015. Master
Oxidative stress-mediated anti-cancer activity of a natural naphthoquinone 2-methoxy-6-acetyl-7-methyljuglone (MAM) check Full Text
Sun, Wen 陳修平 2017. Doctoral
Online re-configurable abnormal & hazard status monitoring and advisory system based on generic fault model
Lan, Ting 韓英鐸 2002. Master
Order aggressiveness during the subprime financial crisis check Full Text
Cheng, Lammers 2011. Master
Opportunities and obstacles for Portuguese companies in the Chinese market
Ilheu, Maria Fernanda Pargana 1996. Master
Os desvios nas construcoes de complementacao verbal produzidas por alunos de Macau
Simoes, Maria Marques Farinha 1994. Master
O exotismo de Venceslau de Morais em Dai-Nippon, o grande Japao
O, Tinlin 1998. Master
Occupational stress of university teachers in China
Kuok, Oi Mei 1998. Master
O vocativo em Portugues, uma abordagem
Carvalho, Ana Sofia Abreu de 2000. Master
O direito penal informatica : o cibercrime na "INTERNET"
Kuok, Un Man 1997. Master
Total Results: 168

Showing 151 to 160 of 168 results