
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author arrow_drop_down Supervisor Issue Date Degree
Judicial interventions in international commercial arbitration : an assessment of legislation and practice of China check Full Text
Zhang, Chen Guang 涂廣建 2018. Master
Judicial scrutiny and sustenance of international commerical arbitration
Yang, Jin Kun Ramaswamy Muruga Perumal 2015. Master
Juvenile delinquency among left behind children in China : An application of social bond and self-control theory check Full Text
Xu, Xing Di Liu Jianhong 2017. Master
Job satisfaction of an aging workforce : a positive psychological capital approach
Wong, Kar Ho 陳家慧 2012. Master
Jackknife empirical likelihood based tests check Full Text
Wan, Yi Liu, Zhi 2019. Doctoral
Japan's hedging strategy towards China in power transition (1991-2020) : making sense of major powers’ alignment strategy vis-a-vis a rising power check Full Text
Tian, Tian You Ji 2022. Doctoral
Jihadist terrorism in Europe and the EU's response (2016-2020)
Teng, Nan You Ji 2021. Master
Justiça restaurativa : um caminho positivo na resposta ao crime : conceito, modelos e alguma (maior ou menor) prática
Robalo, Teresa Lancry de Albuquerque e Sousa, Rodrigues, Anabela Miranda 2009. Master
Join "me" for the alignment : investigating the appraisal construed and reconstrued in media texts and their translations check Full Text
Qian, Hong 張美芳 2011. Doctoral
Joint-digital-predistortion for wireless transmitter's I/Q imbalance and PA nonlinearities using an asymmetrical complexity-reduced volterra series model check Full Text
Li, Yue, Mak, Pui-In 2014. Master
Total Results: 17

Showing 1 to 10 of 17 results