
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_down
PFST(E) 000 (SAMPLE) Analysis of two-way massive MIMO relaying systems with spatial correlation and hardware impairments
Feng, Jun Juan Ma, Shao Dan 2019. Doctoral
PFST(C) 000 (SAMPLE) Development of "A muLti-scaLe aIr pollutioN mOdelliNg systEm" (ALL-IN-ONE) for urban areas of Macau
Lopes, Diogo José Sousa Mok Kai Meng 2018. Doctoral
PFST(MT) 000 (SAMPLE) Center of mass distribution of the Jacobi unitary ensembles, asymptotic expansions and Heun equations
Zhan, Long Jun Chen, Yang 2019. Doctoral
PFST(CIS) 000 (SAMPLE) Integrated machine learning techniques with application to adaptive decision support system for automotive engineering
Vong, Chi Man Li, Yi Ping 2005. Doctoral
PFST(CS) 000 (SAMPLE) Knowledge-based fuzzy clustering
Guo, Li Chen, Long 2019. Doctoral
PFST(SE) 000 (SAMPLE) Curl-free and divergence-free wavelets for computer graphics
Ren, Xiao Hua Wu, Enhua 2019. Doctoral
Tradução de termos polissémicos do português para o chinês em sentenças judiciais : um estudo de caso de utilização de corpus paralelo na tradução assistida por computador = Translation of polysemous terms from Portuguese to Chinese in court sentences : a case study of the use of parallel corpus in computer-aided translation
Wang, Tian Long Leal, Ana Luísa Varani 2024. Doctoral
學科組長教學領導力個案研究 : 以一所國際化特色民辦學校為例
謝輔炬 周憶粟 2024. Doctoral
人工智能驅動的個性化學習 : 基於自我決定理論的成效評估
金鑫 范進偉 2024. Doctoral
錢振斐 周憶粟 2024. Doctoral

Showing 181 to 190 of 10000 results