
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_up Issue Date Degree
Contact tracing in Health-Care Information System : with SARS as a case study check Full Text
Leong, Kan Ion Si, Yain Whar 2009. Master
Simulation-based evaluation of workflow escalation strategies
Chan, Ka Leong Si, Yain Whar 2009. Master
Anti-dumping actions against China : a comparison of European Community and Indian laws and policies
Lu, Lu Snyder, Francis G. 2009. Master
The determinants of closed-end fund discounts in Hong Kong
Mak, Hoi Lan Tam, Hon Keung 2009. Master
A microstrip square-loop dual-mode balun-bandpass filter with simultaneous size reduction and spurious response suppression
Lu, Ting Shan Tam, Kam Weng 2009. Master
The microstrip parallel coupled-line bandpass filter with simultaneous dual-band response and bandwidth enhancement
Hong, Sio Ian Tam, Kam Weng 2009. Master
Holocaust representation in Art Spiegelman's Maus
Liu, Dan Timmermans, Glenn Henry 2009. Master
杜禎 Tong, Hoi Yee 2009. Master
Social adjustment of expatriates in Macau
Lei, Wai I Udani, Zenon Arthur Siloran 2009. Master
A novel readout front-end circuit topology for flexible biopotential signal acquisition system = 一種適用於靈活採集生物電信號的新型前端電路結構
Li, Jin Tao Vai, Mang I 2009. Master

Showing 91 to 100 of 231 results