
Books on China Online, 16th – Early 20th Century (早期中國研究選輯, 十六至二十世紀初)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Year
Pharmacopoea Universalis
Geiger, Philipp Lorenz,autor 1835
Photographs of Hong Kong
Thomson, John,author 1900
Pictorial history of China and India : comprising a description of those countries and their inhabitants, embracing the historical events, government, religion, education, language, literature, arts, manufactures, productions, commerce, and manners and customs of the people, from the earliest period of authentic record, to the present time
Pictures of Southern China
MacGowan, John,author 1897
Pidgin-English sing-song or songs and stories in the China-English dialect with a vocabulary
Leland, Charles Godfrey, 1903
Pioneering in Formosa recollections of adventures among mandarins, wreckers, & head-hunting savages
Pickering, William Alexander, 1898
Pioneering in the Far East, and journeys to California in 1849 and to the White Sea in 1878
Helms, Ludvig Verner 1882
Pioneering in Tibet : a personal record of life and experience in mission fields
Shelton, A. 1921
Plano de la Ciudad de Macao : colonia de los portugueses situado a la parte Meridional del Ymperio de China en la latitud N. de 22°12'44" y longitud de Thenerife de 130°15′ [mapa : escala approximately 1:10300]
Agote y Bonechea, Manuel de,autor 1792
Plano del Rio por el qual se navega con Embarcaciones menores entre Macao y Cantón, levantado por Dn. Manuel de Agote, Primr. Sobrecarga de la Real Compañia de Filipinas en el año de 1792 [drawn on a scale of one mile (of 60 to a degree) to an inch]
Agote y Bonechea, Manuel de,autor 1792

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