
Books on China Online, 16th – Early 20th Century (早期中國研究選輯, 十六至二十世紀初)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Year
Gutzlaff's appeal in behalf of China.
Gutzlaff, Karl Friedrich August,author 1833
Historical and descriptive account of China : its ancient and modern history, language, literature, religion, government, industry, manners, and social state : intercourse with Europe from the earliest ages, missions and embassies to the imperial court, British and foreign commerce, directions to navigators, state of mathematics and astronomy, survey of its geography, geology, botany, and zoology
Murray, Hugh,author 1836
History of the pirates who infested the China Sea, from 1807-1810
Yüan, Yung-lun,author 1831
Journal of a residence in China and the neighboring countries, from 1829-1833
Abeel, David,author 1834
Journal of a residence in Siam : and of a voyage along the coast of China to Manchou Tartary
Gützlaff, Karl Friedrich August,author 1832
Journal of three voyages along the coast of China, in 1831, 1832, & 1833 : with notices of Siam, Corea, and the Loo-Coo Islands
Gutzlaff, Karl Friedrich August,author 1834
La Chine : ou description générale des moeurs et des coutumes, du gouvernement, des lois, des religions, des sciences, de la littérature, des productions naturelles, des arts, des manufactures et du commerce de l'Empire chinois
Davis, John Francis,auteur 1837
Letter to the Right Hon. Charles Grant, president of the Board of Controul, on the present state of British intercourse with China
Marjoribanks, Charles, 1833
Lettre adressée au rédacteur du Journal Asiatique : relativement à une critique de son mémoire sur la doctrine du Tao
Pauthier, Guillaume,auteur 1831
Lettres de M. Lamiot, missionnaire Lazariste en Chine.
Lamiot, Louis,auteur 1832

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