
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Isabel, Brunner;Ephraim, Ferreira Medeiros;Lan, Fengli;Friedrich, Wallner
You burning in the fire ... i swallowing frogs...anger, culture and illness a comparative overview between the culture-bound syndromes hwabyung (korea) and swallowing frogs (brazil) and acupuncture treatment insights
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2019年12月, 第19期, pp. 105-119
Paragraph Headings: 1. Introduction 2. Hwabyung: A Korean Culture-Bound Syndrome 2.1. Concepts 2.2. Definitions 3. Theoretical Models of Hwabyung 4. Dynamic Meaning of Symptoms 5. Swallowing frogs: A Brazilian Culture-Bound Syndrome. 6. A Comparative overview between Hwabyung and Swallowing frogs 7. Designing multidisciplinary models to the treatment of Culture-Bound Syndromes. 8. Insights On Acupuncture Treatments for Hwabyung and Swallowing frogs 9. Conclusion Tables: 1. Common points and similiarities between Hwabyung and Swallowing frogs. 2. Acupoints frequently used for the treatment of emotional disorders. Figures: 1. Examples of Culture-Bound Syndromes in the Mental Health Literature.