
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Medeiros, Ephraim Ferreira;Lan, Fengli;Wallner, Friedrich G.
Visual representations of the body and constructive realism: the case of"der mensch als industriepalast": (man as industrial palace) and the Neijing tu (內經圖)
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Pub. Info
2022年6月, 第24期, pp.146-160
Paragraph Headings: 1. Introduction 2. The Neijing tu Diagram 3. "Der Mensch als Industriepalast" (Man as Industrial Palace) 4. The Neijing tu and the "Multidimensional Daoist Body" 5. The "Der Mensch als Industriepalast" and the "Spirit of Modernity" 6. Tanscending the Demarcated bodies and Borderless bodies 7. The Homuncular Figures 8. "Words Alone Are Inadequate". The Central Role of Visual Metaphors in Representing the Interior of the Body. Figures: 1. The diagram Neijing tu (Neijing tu 內經圖) with printed Chinese characters (left) and (right) the poster Der Mensch als Industriepalast 2. Hard labor in the digestive tract. "Digestion" ("A Trip through the Food Factories," colorized and redrawn by Paul Flanerky), Wunder in Uns (1923), pl. 3. National Library of Medicine. (Sappol 2017:32)