
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Yip, Yuk Ching;Chan, Kin Iong;Wen, Jian Ming
Minute pulmonary meningothelial-like nodules are not eliminated after resection and targeted therapy of non-small cell lung cancer:A case report
Journal Name
Pub. Info
2013年12月, 總第29期, 第13卷第2期, pp. 49-51
Paragraphy Headings: 1. Case presentation 2. Discussion 3. Conclusion Figures: 1. Chest CT revealing a pulmonary adenocarcinoma and minute pulmonary meniongothelial-like nodules (MPMNs) before surgery (A). In subsequent CT scans taken after 1 year (B), 2 year (C) and 3 years (D), the minute nodules exist in the same sizes. 2. Surgical specimen showing a tan-white MPMN 1 mm in diameter beneath the pleura (black arrow), insert shows the cut surface of primary lung adenocarcinoma (A). H&E staining showing that the adenocarcinoma is admixed with MPMN (B). A well circumscribed MPMN is beneath pleura (C), and within interstitial tissue of alveolar septa (D). Morphologically, the cells in MPMN are similar to meningioma cells.