
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Groenhuijsen, Marc
Current status of victimology and some future development
Journal Name
Universidade de Macau : Boletim da Faculdade de Direito = 法律學院學報
Pub. Info
2020, No. 47, pp. 127-147
Victimology;Repeat victimization;Secondary victimzation;Restorative Justice;Victims of terrorism;Cybercrime;Big data;Minimum standards for victims' rights
This contribution starts by outliinng the nature and subject matter of victimology will be discussed which are likely to dominate our field in the next coming years. One is the technological revolution, exemplified by the massive proliferation of cybercrime and ascent of concepts like 'big data 'and'data science'. The second is about legal reform. Which limits should be observed when changing the criminal justice system in order to better serve the interests of crime victims? Paragraph Headings: 1. What is victimology? 2. Some dots on the horizon of victimology 2.1. Restorative justice annd mediation 2.2. Terrorism 2.3. The International Criminal Court and ad hoc Tribunals 2.4. Cultural diversity and criminal justice 2.5. The scope of victimology 3. New challenges 3.1. The technological rebolution 3.1.2. Big data 3.2. Legal reform 3.2.1. 'Minimum standards'? 3.2.2. Enforceability of victims' rights 4. Conclution