
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Yang, Jing
Postcolonial interracial romance in Chinese Box
Journal Name
Pub. Info
Jun. 2010, 總第17期, 第1期, pp. 15-32
Interracial romance;Western patriarchal fantasy;Re-appropriation
Abstract : This paper explores the re-appropriation of the Western patriarchal fantasy in a postcolonial setting by study two American cinematic texts. The classic paradigm of the white man rescuing the Chinese woman in The World of Suzie Wong (1960) is re-configured in Chinese Box (1997) set against Hong Kong’s change of sovereignty. Infused with the ambience of remembrance and loss, the 1997 romantic narrative ends with the Chinese women characters ‘rescuing’the devastated white man, and awakening from an infatuation with the white lover. The re-positioning of the Chinese woman in the hierarchical and gendered cross-cultural interaction exemplifies that a new age of Chinese ascendancy is altering the familiar interracial romance script. Paragraph Headings: 1. Introduction 1.1. Suzie Wong as the classic narrative of interracial romance 1.2. The doomed interracial romance in Chinese Box 1.3. Conclusion