
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

The role of hallmark events in shaping Macao's tourist destination image
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Pub. Info
Jun. 2015, No. 38, pp. 50-75
Abstract : This study explores image of Macao as a tourism destination by adopting both structured and unstructured approaches. It is the intention to reveal the real attractiveness as well as the shortcomings of Macao as a tourist destination from a visitor's perspective. It also examines the relationships among hallmark event perceptions, the cognitive destination image and the affective destination image. The findings reveal the differences between the projected image and the real image, and the appeal of hallmark events in attracting tourists. In addition, through correlating test and SEM, it is proved that the better event perception, the better destination image, which sheds the light on the significance of promoting event tourism. In a word, the study depicts the event components in detail and brings the event importance to the forefont by attaching it with refreshing destination image. Its analytical model makes contributions in creating and integrating value added tourism attractions as well as resources to achieve greater destination competitiveness. Paragraph Headings: 1. Introduction 2. Literature review 2.1. Tourist destination image 2.2. Event tourism 3. Methodology 4. Data analysis 4.1. Descriptive analysis 4.2. Comparison of projected image and perceived image from tourists 4.3. Factor analysis 4.4. Hypothesis testing 5. Conclusions 6. Implications Tables: 1. Demographic characteristics of respondents 2. Main purpose of visiting Macao 3. A general understanding of hallmark events 4. Purposes of attending events 5. Descriptive analysis of gambling image of Macao 6. Descriptive analysis of five projected image (scale 4&5) 7. Reliability analysis of hallmark event perception 8. Reliability analysis of cognitive destination image 9. Reliability analysis of affective destination image 10. Composite validity of images 11. Correlations among constructs for overall measurement model 12. Path model of correlations Figures: 1. Number of Macau visitors between 2008 and 2013 (MGTO) 2. The Combination of cognitive image and affective image 3. Hallmark events' location in Ossian's matrix 4. A 5-star destination image projected by PATA/Macau task force 5. A 5-star destination image perceived by real visitors 6. Results of structural equation model (N=401)