
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Kuok, Kim O M
Dose age matter for the experience of stress?
Journal Name
Euro Asia Journal of Management
Pub. Info
Jul. 1999, No.18, pp. 117-139
Paragraph Headings: 1. Stress: definitions and culture 2. Stress indicators 2.1. Behavioural reactions 2.2. Physiological measures 2.3. Psychological responses 3. Job satisfactioin and stress 4. Instrument 5. Subjects 6. Job satisfaction 7. Stressors 8. Conclusion Tables: 1. Different forms of physical illnesses and conditions 2. Response rates of all universities 3. Sex of teachers 4. Age distribution of teachers 5. Level of education 6. Job satisfactory level of different occupations 7. Job satisfaction of teachers in the PRC and Britain 8. Sources of tension of academics in the PRC 9. Factors of sources of tensions and the factor loadings 10. Mean of factor scores of different age groups for different dimensions of stressors Figures: 1. A model of culture determinants, national characteristics, and work attitudes and processes 2. A simplified model of work stress -- adapted from Matteson and Ivancevich (1982) 3. Major factors affecting perceived desirability of movement 4. Major factors affecting perceived ease of movement