Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)
- Author
- Alhakimi, Wail; Baharun, Rohaizat
- Title
- Marketing concept adoption and implementation in least developed countries: an Asian perspective
- Journal Name
- Euro Asia Journal of Management
- Pub. Info
- Jun. 2009, Vol.19, No.1, pp. 47-69
- Abstract
- Abstract : Literature review had shown a separate focus on measuring marketing concept adoption and implementation. Furthermore, there have been insufficient discussions on issues concerning the successful implementation of the marketing concept. In addition,there is a lack of studies targeted least developed countries. Therefore,the overall aim of this paper is to build on the limited empirical evidence on the nature of marketing concept adoption and implementation, using Yemen as case study. Several SBUs were surveyed within different consumer goods companies. Through descriptive analyses, the results had shown the degree and difficulties associated with adoption and implementation of the marketing concept within least developed countries. Paragraph Headings: 1. Introduction 2. Brief literature review 2.1. Distinction of adoption and implementation of the marketing concept 2.2. Market orientation scales: why to integrate 3. The republic of Yemen: an overview 4. Methodology 5. Results 5.1. Research objective Ⅰ: corporate attitude toward marketing 5.2. Research objective Ⅱ: marketing concept adoption 5.3. Research objective Ⅲ: marketing concept implementation 5.4. Adoption versus implementation 5.5. Research objective Ⅳ: organizational levels of the respondents 6. Limitations and further studies Tables: 1. Types of the surveyed companies 2. Cross tabulation of respondents' positions and educational background 3. Mean values of marketing concept adoption variables 4. Mean values of customer orientation variables 5. Mean values of competitor orientation variables 6. Mean values of profit orientation variables 7. Mean values of interfunctional cooradination variables 8. Mean valuse of intelligence generation variables 9. Mean values of intelligence dissemination variable 10. Mean values of responsiveness to intelligence variables 11. Reasons for adopting but not implementing the marketing concept 12. Reasons for adopting and imolementing the marketing concept 13. Reasons for not adopting nor implementing the marketing concept 14. Mean scores of the research variables according to respondents' levels 15. ANOVA results of the comparison between the respondents' levels