
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Dirks, Daniel
Out of recession and beyond: indications for a new type of Japanese management?
Journal Name
Euro Asia Journal of Management
Pub. Info
Jan. 1997, No.12, pp. 5-23
Abstract : The effects of the recession of the early 1990s are still being widely felt in Japan, primarily becasuse a number of structural factors have exacerbated the cyclical slump. An analysis of four cases from the steel, petrochemical, electornics, and automobile industries refutes earlier propositions of a markedly counter-cyclical investment behavior by Japanses firms. Firms' reactions in terms of stragetic and organizational adaptations include a more selective and concentrated capital spending, a stronger adherence to financial benchmark measures, and intensified internationalization efforts. These observations demand a reconsideration of the notion of a uniform Japanese management model. Paragraph Headings: 1. Cyclical downturn and structural adjustment 2. Theoretical issues 2.1. The Japanese management system 2.2. Recession management theory 3. Adapting to the recession 4. Strategic responses 4.1. Concentration and selection 4.2. Financial fundamentals 4.3. International ventures 5. Management process and organization 5.1. Process speed 5.2. Authority and accountability 5.3. Intercorporate relations 6. R & D management 7. Summary and outlook Tables: 1. Adaptation strategies of Japanese firms Figures: 1. Business indicators in selected industries 2. Japanese management after the recession