
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Dioko, Leonardo Anthony Najarro
Consumer values and market segmentation in China: An exploratory study
Journal Name
Euro Asia Journal of Management
Pub. Info
Feb. 1996, No.10, pp. 5-19
Abstract : What is a good segmenting variable to use in a consumer market that is just emerging? A market where consumers are just now learning how to choose among alternative products amd brands, which, heretofore, have been unavailable to them by custom and law? That is the research question which this paper poses and aims to explore. Segmentation-- the process of partitioning markets' into segments of similar potential customers likely to exhibit similar purchase behavior--is, for all practical purposes, one half on a marketing strategy, the other half being differentiation. Weinstein (1987) further emphasises the process in marketing practice whether consumers be mature and sophisticated as, say, the Americans or Eurpoeans, or just emerging and learing as cosumers in China and other developing nations are. True to the nature of segmentation as a normative science, we will explore for the marketer in China one variable for possible use in the segmentation of Chinese consumers and the issues involved in its application for marketing in China. Paragraph Headings: 1. The concept of values as a basis for segmentation 1.1. The use of value in market segmentation 1.2. Relevance of study 1.3. Problems 2. Methodology 2.1. Conceptual framework 2.2. Research design 2.3. Subjects 3. Results and findings 3.1. Construct development 3.2. Segment aggregation 3.3. Latent structure analysis 4. Discussion Tables: 1. The rokeach value system 2. Segment 1 rank distribution of 8 core items 3. Segment 2 rank distribution of 8 core items 4. Segment 3 rank distribution of 8 core items 5. Factor loading results of the 8 core benefit items Figures: 1. A three-level means-end chain as applied to the purchase of a bicycle lock 2. Proposed consumer valuse segment-typology based on exploratory research findings