
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Chen, Meihua
Radical ideas and future of the SOE reform in China
Journal Name
Euro Asia Journal of Management
Pub. Info
Jul. 1999, No.18, pp. 23-36
Abstract : Since China opened up 20 years ago, State-owned Enterprises (SOEs) have been under reform. The practice and exploration in the 20 years of reform have made people become more and more aware of the advantages and disadvantages of the SOEs, and the baisc purpose of the reform. Under the socialist market economic system, it is necessary to solve the problem of property right in the SOEs. However, the most imoportant question to consider is not whether to allow the SOEs to continue to exist or not, by how to centralize the capital from the SOEs into the fields where it is needed and in what form the capital can be existed and also how to convert the SOEs into the main and leading enterprises in the market economy. Paragraph Headings: 1. The major problems of the SOEs 1.1. Owners are defaulted 1.2. The diversified purposes and the non-profit orientation of the SOEs 1.3. Non-separation in function between the government and the enterprises 2. The basic direction of the SOE reform 2.1. Transform government fuctions and set up a perfect system to manage, supervise and operate state assets 2.1.1. Target 2.1.2. Principles 2.2. Establish a modern enterprise system to reallize the conversion of the enterprises' operating structure mechanism 2.3. Setting up a perfect social provident system and alleviating the burden of enterprises 3. Measures to be taken in the reform of SOEs 3.1. Establishment of a management, supervison and operating system on the state assets 3.1.1. Position of the government as an investor 3.1.2. Establishment of the SACD 3.1.3. The duties of the department in Charge of the state assets control and supervision 3.2. The strategy of take care of the large and release the small 3.2.1. Reasons for the strategy 3.2.2. Measures to be taken to take care of the large 3.2.3. Basic forms for the conversion of the small-sized SOEs 3.2.4. Transfer or auction 3.2.5. Implementation of shareholding system 3.2.6. Establishment of private limited companies 3.2.7. Conversion without transfer of property right 4. Analysis on the difficulties of SOE conversion and its future 4.1. The difficulties of conversion 4.1.1. Overweight burden of liabilities in enterprises 4.1.2. Too many emoloyees to be laid off and high cost of conversion 4.2. Prospect 4.2.1. The trend above is based on thier objective conditions 5. Conclusion