
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Vong, CK
Comparative management -- discussion and an empirical study
Journal Name
Euro Asia Journal of Management
Pub. Info
Feb. 1996, No.10, pp. 23-41
Paragraph Headings: 1. Introduction 2. Portuguese versus Chinese managements style (in Macau) 3. Methodology 4. The sample 5. Results 5.1. General findings 5.2. Planning 5.3. Controlling 5.4. Organizing and staffing 5.5. Diretcing and leadership 5.6. Motivating 5.7. Communication 5.8. Formality in the organization 6. Conclusion Tables: 1. Reaction to external changes/ pressures 2. Achievement of the unit's objectives 3. Levels in the hierarchy responsible for keeping track of performance 4. Ways of giving directions 5. Belief about surbodinates' copmetence and need for supervision and direction 6. Work organization and pay 7. Opiniond on information-sharing with subordinates 8. Opinion on the degree of formality in the organization Figures: 1. Time priod within which plans are best made 2. Control schedule 3. Hosfede's dimensions of national culture (power distance and uncertainty avoidance) for some European countries and the US 4. Organization of work 5. Opinion on the importance of human resource compared to non-human resources 6. Factors that should relate strongly to pay 7. Number of communation channels used by respondents