
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Udani, Zenon Arthur Siloran; Udani, Delia Siloran
Exploring an integral framework on continuing professional education
Journal Name
Euro Asia Journal of Management
Pub. Info
Dec. 2012, Vol.22, No.1/2, pp. 101-116
Ethics;Expertise;Character;Continuing professional education;Integral framework;Professional associations
Abstract : Continuing professional education (CPE) focuses on both professional and personal development. Employees need technical expertise and ethical excellence to progress. In this regard, professional associations serve as a channel for realizing CPE. These associations have the potential role of adding value to professionals through skill building activities and enhancing personal virtues through the ethical values they habitually transmit through various programs. This study proposes an integral framework on CPE for professional associations. Through this framework, the study identifies association initiatives that contribute to value-adding and virtue-enhancing human resource development. Paragragh Headings: 1. Introduction 2. An integral framework for people development 2.1. Updating, competence-buildings, and performance-enhancement 3. Competence & character, ethics & expertise 3.1. Core values 3.2. Information, formation and transformation 4. Framework dynamics 4.1. StageⅠ: Information- Updating 4.2. StageⅡ: Formation-competence-building 4.3. StageⅢ:Transformation -performation-enhancement 5. Practices of professional associations 5.1. Ethics and professions Australia 5.2. The management association of the Phillippines (MAP) 5.3. The association of chartered certified accountants (ACCA) 5.4. Society for human resource management (SHRM) 6. Conclusion Tables: 1. Categories of ethical threats and examples via professional associations Figures: 1. Continuing professional educational framework