
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Trigo, Virginia
Chinese entrepreneurs in action: The case of Tian Hè industrial development zone
Journal Name
Euro Asia Journal of Management
Pub. Info
Jul. 1995, No.9, pp. 5-21
Paragraph Headings: 1. Introduction 2. Methodological issues 3. The findings 4. The case of Wang Ji Zhai 5. Entreprenuer's characteristics 6. Financial basis 7. About the future of the business 8. What motivated Tian Hè enterpreneurs to strat a business? 9. Environmential influences 10. Summary and concluding remarks Tables: 1. Level of sales in the last financial year 2. Imporatance given to the different motivations by the four identified groups of respondents