
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Azmi, Feza Tabassum
HRM-strategy integration and organizational performance: empirical evidence from India
Journal Name
Euro Asia Journal of Management
Pub. Info
Dec. 2010, Vol.20, No.2, pp. 135-157
Abstract : Debates in the 1980s and early 1990s suggested the need to explore the relationship between HRM and corporate strategy more extensively. Despite the importance of HRM-strategy integration or 'vertical fit', there is still a paucity of empirical researches on the subject in the Indian context. Indian research has focused more on traditional HRM practices rather than on the interaction between HRM and strategy. The volatile and changing business environment of India offers a good testing field for a study on HRM-strategy integration. On the basis of an extensive literature review, two constructs of HRM-strategy integration were identified. The scales based on the two constructs were empirically tested for unidimensionality, reliablity and validity using Structural Equation Modeling (SME) capabilities o LISREL 8.50. Thereafter, the two dimensions were linked with effectiveness of HRM function and organizational performance. Mixed support was found for the hypothesized relationships. The findings of earlier researchers were partially corroborated by the present study. The study provides a reliable and valid instrument for measuring HRM-strategy integration that has been empirically tested in the Indian context. Paragraph Headings: 1. Conceptual background 2. Research gap and study objectives 3. Research consructs and proposed model 3.1. Independent variables: dimensions of vertical fit 3.2. Dependent variable: organizational performance 3.3. Mediating variable: HRM effectiveness 3.4. Moderating variables: organizational profile 4. Research instrument 5. Methodology 6. Analysis 6.1. Response rate and non-response bias 6.2. Assessment of common method bias 6.3. Estimation of measurement model 6.4. Scale refinement: confirmatory factor analysos 6.5. Assessment oof reliablity and validity 6.6. Structural model and path analysis 7. Conclusions and management implications Tables: 1. Profile of responding organizations 2. CFA model fit indicators for VLF and VFS scales 3. Standardized residuals and p values for scales 4. Scale reliability estimates Figures: 1. Measurement model with standardized solutions for VFL 2. Measurement model with standardized solutions for VFS 3. Structural model and path coefficients